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Englisch Ghost

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geschlossen verschoben Ghost

The Grim Reaper
User Off Offline

I saw a ghost/spirit when i was 13 or so i just want to know what does the ghost/spirit meen. Am i doomed, can i help the ghost/spirit. I will try to describe her.

She was dressed in a skirt,roses was on it. She was holding a bunch of red flowers in front of her chest. Her eyes was bloody, maybe she was crying blood. she had black hair. She was the same age as me. She stood under a tree. She stood still did not move. When i looked behind to see where is my parents. When i looked back, she was gone.

It was not my imagination.
I just want to know what does it meen, cause i think it will haunt me, if i cant help her and i want to help her.

Does somebody have some options?

alt Re: Ghost

Moderator Off Offline

It's best not to get involved with these things unless they're really affecting your life. Don't try to do anything and carry on with your life.

alt Re: Ghost

User Off Offline

Just ignore what you have seen, best solution.

alt Re: Ghost

The Grim Reaper
User Off Offline

how can i ignore what i saw? She did not look harmful. I just want to help her. Or why did i see her. does it meen something symbolic?

alt Re: Ghost

Super User Off Offline

It will only haunt you if you believe in those stuff, so the best you can do is just ignoring it. Your mind plays some dirty game with you.

alt Re: Ghost

The Grim Reaper
User Off Offline

I dont think my mind played any games with me. Is there not a ghost expert on this site.

I think i know why me.
I have a very heavy burden that i carry with me,i endured so much pain. Somebody at chess said that im dark/evil . I dont usealy smile, i dont have a reason to.

alt Re: Ghost

User Off Offline

Dude... are you for real? I suggest the closing of this thread before some bad stuff may happen.

alt Re: Ghost

Moderator Off Offline

Dude. Make up your damn mind. You want our advice? Here it is - IGNORE IT. If you don't want that, why are you still here? Go search for some occult sect or whatever cause clearly you're not even trying to listen to what people say. Or, possibly you're just an attention <>.

alt Re: Ghost

User Off Offline

Better go to Oren Peli, let him give you a camera and earn some bucks with your spooky story.

alt Re: Ghost

Reviewer Off Offline

user The Grim Reaper hat geschrieben
Is there not a ghost expert on this site.

There is. It is I, Thomas. You might think that I have no idea what I'm talking about because I like bagels but I believe you. Your ghost story seems 100% legit. Now, there are a few things you can do.

• 1: Get some eggs, boil them eggs. Get some baking powder, then spread it all over the floor and throw the eggs onto the ground. This is what we call ghosteption. You trick the ghost into believing you think you know what you're doing. Hopefully this banishes the ghost into oblivion or something.

• 2: Piss in your pants if you see a ghost. There is a natural substance in your pee which acts as a repel. Basically ghosts don't like piss. So fill some buckets and store them under your bed.

• 3: Become friends with the ghost, start a sexual relationship. Smoke weed (everyday), have some XTC and totally don't care that the ghost is freaky. Because you know what? Maybe you're the freaky one.

Also give me 50 bucks contact me for my bank details kthxbai.

alt Re: Ghost

Reviewer Off Offline

You can do something. Ask Google instead asking us a advice of dealing a ghost. Cause once you made it mad then you run for your life. changing your name, hair and wife ( ), Cause doing some researching I found out, that china and india mostly have most bad spirits. (if not then ) There are more like...umm google yourself.. cause thinking about ghost its fucking weird

alt Re: Ghost

User Off Offline

You saw a ghost? Ah, I think this is a case of Obseruandum quaerens. The only cure for it is a procedure called questus a vita.

alt Re: Ghost

Moderator Off Offline

Lol ghosts? I'm sure this is only from your mind and ghosts aren't real at all.
Ask someone who is expert in this in another forum instead but other guys already said that you just need is to ignore.

alt Re: Ghost

User Off Offline

@user The Grim Reaper: You should be scared with a person rather than a ghost. Would you rather be scared with a pale white lady with thorned rose than a guy with a gun pointing at you? I've experienced what you feel but in an embarrassing way. My point is, you hold your shit together and ignore her.

alt Re: Ghost

Super User Off Offline

@user Rainoth: i thought about attentionwhoring first too, but i didnt want to say that because i dont need another ban

Admin/Mod Kommentar

Except I hinted that phrase rather than writing it Here's your ban Jk / user Rainoth

alt Re: Ghost

Gelöschter Benutzer

user Yates hat geschrieben
user The Grim Reaper hat geschrieben
Is there not a ghost expert on this site.

There is. It is I, Thomas. You might think that I have no idea what I'm talking about because I like bagels but I believe you. Your ghost story seems 100% legit. Now, there are a few things you can do.

• 1: Get some eggs, boil them eggs. Get some baking powder, then spread it all over the floor and throw the eggs onto the ground. This is what we call ghosteption. You trick the ghost into believing you think you know what you're doing. Hopefully this banishes the ghost into oblivion or something.

• 2: Piss in your pants if you see a ghost. There is a natural substance in your pee which acts as a repel. Basically ghosts don't like piss. So fill some buckets and store them under your bed.

• 3: Become friends with the ghost, start a sexual relationship. Smoke weed (everyday), have some XTC and totally don't care that the ghost is freaky. Because you know what? Maybe you're the freaky one.

Also give me 50 bucks contact me for my bank details kthxbai.

Looks here is one 'EXPERIENCED'

alt Re: Ghost

Black Wolf
User Off Offline

You watch too much horror movies or believe too much in ghosts, thats it.

alt Re: Ghost

User Off Offline

user Black Wolf hat geschrieben
You watch too much horror movies or believe too much in ghosts, thats it.

No, this is serious. As I have said, seeing ghosts is a severe condition called Obseruandum quaerens. Unfortunately, the only cure for it is a procedure called questus a vita. Horror movies and scary stuff you see on a screen don't have anything to do with it.

alt Re: Ghost

BANNED Off Offline

Its seems you have problems with your imagination man, where is no such things like ghosts, aliens, monsters and etc.. If you will see that thing again, you should contact your doctor because it can destroy your life.
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