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English Battle Royale for CS2d (PUBG 2d)

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Poll Poll

Which fog you're prefer to see on the erver

Only registered users are allowed to vote
Circle which moving step by step (speed of shift)
0.56% (0)
Red zone which moves smoothly (same speed)
4.44% (1)
18 votes cast

old Re: Battle Royale for CS2d (PUBG 2d)

Super User Off Offline

Currently we are on our way to major update both for script and map, btw grab this little one. Little, but interesting.

• Added level system (no idea for what, we`ll see)
• Now players can use auras for more teamplay experience

• Added few secrets and weapons

∗ Screenshot ∗

old Re: Battle Royale for CS2d (PUBG 2d)

Super User Off Offline

@user TobyInChina: They will upload it for us though. I don't think what you do is sensible.

The hud texts that show our experiences and levels are ugly and should be changed. Why not some bar images that show how much towards to the next level? That'd be cool.

Like this:

user Cure Pikachu has written
How about cosmetic unlocks?
I would be surprised if it was about something else anyway...

old Re: Battle Royale for CS2d (PUBG 2d)

Super User Off Offline

Freash news guys, today awesome scripter ,@user Devil-Thanh: , joined our team with his cool script about █████ which can also ████████ players when it ██████ ████ them. Congratulations!

You`ll see soon.

old Re: Battle Royale for CS2d (PUBG 2d)

Moderator Off Offline

Okay, some suggestions.

First, glow script doesn't seem to look good.
It it's not very clear what does it do and it's not stated that you can open it with serveraction key.

I prefer changing hudtxt commands with your own image font, that would look better and also scaling would work more efficient in higher resolutions.

You could add minimap when pressing up E to check where zone closes up and what's the current progress of it.

As with whole hudtext, experience and level bar should be updated. At the moment levels goes up too fast and they doesn't seem to be rewarding at all.

old Re: Battle Royale for CS2d (PUBG 2d)

Super User Off Offline

@user SQ: , thx for feedback we ll take a look on glow script.

Map has been updated, added some hints to future updates.

Now we got discord of our server, right in my signature. Hope you guys doesnt count it as ads cuz forum is too slow for feed back.

But you can post suggestions here too, checking thread each day.

Just catched full (32/32) server at late evening, thanks for playing our mod!

UPD #2:
Something dangerous coming to our server very soon, there is a spoiler:

edited 2×, last 02.12.17 02:24:13 am
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