
linux version
11 replies

This version will also support Linux
(@DC: Maybe you should add to the FAQ that the new CS2D will support Linux and run on dedicated servers or isn't it sure yet?)
Re: linux version
GuestAnd I hope it release in this year!!!

DC is now working on S2 for 2 or 3 years and it is still not sure when it will be done.
And he has to write the new CS2D from scratch, therefore it will take a long time. Maybe it comes 2008 or 2009 (or maybe not)

You must also consider that the work on CS2D hasn't really begun yet and S2 still has highest priority.
A 2007 release would surprise me...
(@DC: Tell us: What about the priority of CS2D? How much have you done so far? Is the progress really as slow as I said?)
and it is certain that there will be a linux version of the new cs2d and a real win/linux dedicated server software. probably there will be a version even for mac (but this is not so sure).
Now I'm really surprised! I think I'm going to play CS2D again when the new release comes out

Although this does not fit in completely: You once said that the new 2D Shooter will neither share the exact scenario, weapons etc. nor the name with Counter-Strike anymore.
Is that still what you are planning?
Re: linux version
GuestGreat, I hope that new cs2d will be very cool and like cs1.6...

first and most important, add new script commands and ability of scripting on maps so we can create maps with more complex victory condition, ex a gungame or a deathmatch or even a capture the flag, but i guess that would take too long
second, well, cs2d is already grrreeeeeaaaat so i guess theres no second =]
Re: linux version
GuestOh, and take off the VIP objective...
In 1.6 and 2D no one play in these maps... (as_)
It would be cool if the cs2d have the steam skin...
Like the CS2Dn mod... I liked that...

CS 1.6 2D hehehe