Extension CS2D
Extension CS2D
28 replies HI!,
Question for all on lending it Forum.
If DC should cooperate with TMK ,Over new version
CS2D. As you know TMK It has made CS2DG (CS2D : GOLD) , In version TMK Corrected many errors are make which DC , As is well known DC I work over creation of new version not enough cs2d . Rally can DC and TMK.
For cooperation wzieli and official will expel first version already. There is that our beloved game cs2d.
What on it ? lol, this looks like he used an online translator to translate from German to English. So your saying that DC should team together with TMK to make the new CS2D? XD. I'm lost... cs2dg > cs2d!!!
tmk crate the best mode!
i think thats mod must be in download on cs2d.com! x] I think that is very good idea . TMK mod is very good and have many good changes .
If u want play in Counter Strike 2D Gold Edition u must downolad this game from that url :
Right know in Polish area of cs2d will be big changes !! We play in Polish ESL on Cs2D !!! And we please u DC can u end works on cs2d quickly !! TMK can Help u whit this !!
We have in Polish another league too like Pro Clans League Third edition !! ( www.pcl.webplus.net.pl ) and polish clan of cs2d joining to MultiGamings Clans ( www.4bdden.com or http://speedcore.pl/ ) and maybe we will be have soon 2 good and big server ( one private to ESL nad PCL and one public ) .
I'f u end Cs2D quickly we have chance to do this game famous !!
Clan Leader [4B|DoD]
Admin forum.cs2d.info and cs2d.info
Head Admin ESL Cs2d PL No, no and NO!!!
DC is making a version, much better than gold...
Please, dont do that...
DC Admin
yeah, marcio is quite right
it makes absolutely no sense to stop working on the new cs2d.
the old cs2d "engine" has a lot of deficits like no linux support or a poor multiplayercode which is very easily hackable.
The cs2d community needs linux support and dedicated servers for win/linux and a much more secure multiplayermode.
some new features and bugfixes are nice but not enough. there have to be basic changes which can only be done by writing a new cs2d.
so I'm not going to stop working on this and I do not want to work in a team too. sorry. omg...
thank u dc, now I'm calm...
so DC ,we waiting for new CS2d
Lee Moderator
btw guys, b4 cs2dg can bcome the best mod ever, TMK needs to fix the BOT LAG problem, its gettin so bad that i cant play on cs2dg nemore, and my computers pretty fast too, neways, just wait for cs2d to come out sometimes this year, maybe itll allow us to add mods thru scripts at the autoexe.config gun game and dm and crap lyk that I wait for new too think cs2d that there will be too soon
tmk crate the best mode!
You guys don't know any other mods -.-
Cooperate with TMK ?
Why the Hell ? CS2Dg is programmed worse than the normal CS2D.....bugs fixed ? No. just more bugs added... cs2d fix bugs? i don't think so....
cs2d have antycheat? dont kidding!
i dont know another mod? lol
give me name anothers mod... i will say u what i dont know
i played this game 2years... and interesing 2.5 years....
and probably i see all mods...
first mods what i see was dod2d and futura2d and lot of mods who changed only some graphisc
p.s. sry for my bad english
It walks about it me that by two years. DC . It has made not enough very for cs2d . Present version it beta . DC Should begin work upon Cs2d . But not some Stranded .
Stranded Probably, it worst project . Firms Unreal Software . Rally when cs2d It enters for ESL . DC
Should begin work upon seriously cs2d
. Many ideas with CS2DG . Some can be taken advantage in New version CS2D
I apologize for english but I use internet translate DC Admin
Stranded was and is a great success and much more innovative than CS2D. So don't say Stranded would be a bad project. Thats just wrong.
As I said I'm going to develop (or I'm already developing!) a new CS2D.
So you just have to wait or you develop your own cs2d. Its up to you but do not say what I have to do. I'm a free person an I make my own decisions and set my own priorities. And there is one thing I can insure: I know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it that way. Can you do this faster ?
better dont say that, or it will be even longer DC is smart and I trust him...
The new CS2D will be very awsome...
We just need to wait a little more...
C'mon guys... let he work...
Yeah Dc knows what he does for us all!
All needs its time so let it be!

I can write it for job sole that because future of your firm is in cs2d