I have installed the lastest DirectX from Microsoft and I still get the unable to create 3d thing.
Any info I need to know? Admin/mod comment
title changed DC Admin
install latest graphics card drivers an check whether your card supports direct 3d or not. you need a card which supports direct 3d! yes, 3d - even for a game which has a "2d" in its name
you can do this by pressing start -> run -> dxdiag -> ok
there you can find options to test direct3D
and please: use a better title the next time. the whole "need help"-stuff does not make any sense since it does not show what the thread is about. What do I do after it shows DirectX Diagnostic Tool? DC Admin
I only have it in german so I do not know what it is exactly in your language.
click at something like "display" on the top and then there should be buttons like "test directdraw" and "test direct3d". click at "test direct3d" in order to run the test. direct 3d acceleration has to be activated for this. How do you run direct 3d accerleration, becuse the DirectDraw test went fine, but it won't let me even click Direct3d test. mrc User
Guest has written
How do you run direct 3d accerleration, becuse the DirectDraw test went fine, but it won't let me even click Direct3d test.
You need update ur directx.... Lee Moderator
Marcio has written
Guest has written
How do you run direct 3d accerleration, becuse the DirectDraw test went fine, but it won't let me even click Direct3d test.
You need update ur directx....
I got DirectX9.. Lee Moderator
go to ebay and search for a new graphic card and make sure it works b4 buying it
btw, get a good one
FK, just buy a new computer there
DC Admin
... thats true. you either use the wrong drivers for your graphic card or your card is very old and does not even support direct3d. but as said before you need direct3d to play. so if your card does not support it you have to get a newer/better in order to be able to play the game. Lee Moderator
happy bidding
god, i sound lyk some stupid ebay seller