Don't know if this is important, but LAN works fine with other games, like Scorched3d. Anyone know whats going on?

Need Help with LAN play.
7 replies

Don't know if this is important, but LAN works fine with other games, like Scorched3d. Anyone know whats going on?
So, it's useless. =/ I guess i'm not gonna be able to play LAN, huh?
if that doesn't work, and depending on what your school computers allow, you can try these steps to access cmd.exe and find out your lan ip:
start -> run
if that is not available to you, try bringing up the task manager
ctrl+alt+delete -> task manager
fron the file menu, select "run new task"
if that is not available to you, try browsing to the location( depending on what os your computers are running):
winnt: c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe
winxp: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
if that is not available to you, open up a windows explorer window, and in the address bar type (depending on what os your computers are running):
winnt: c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe
winxp: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
if you can't do that, you can try creating a new .bat file (create a new .txt file and rename it to a .bat file). Edit it to say:
So, if you can get cmd.exe to run, type ipconfig at the command prompt, and look for where it says ip address:: if it looks somethign like 192.168.x.x then that is your lan ip.
find out the comptuer's lan ip that will host, and get the other computers to type it in manually into cs2d.