
cs2d 1.0.0
9 replies

And yes, the source code is only available for

DC has written
The source code of CS2D Beta is NOT available. Please DO NOT ask for it!
You can also have a look into this thread.
edit: i dont understand german anyway

GuestYou can download CS2D Beta at my cs2d-mapping-page
Downloads -> Counter-Strike 2D [CS2D] -> CS2D Beta
skiper has written
ok then where is and if it isnt exist then i can't edit the source code?
Well, I already posted a direct link to download the Source Code for this version. Maybe you just didn't see that. Anyway, here's the link again:

Kiffer-Opa has written
To edit or just to view the source code you need Blitz3D (which is not free!):

By the way, you don't have to understand German to understand the source code. It's just the comments...

GuestProgramming isn't my thing...
Well I understand little things like "2000ms" etc.
This was weird, I don't understand the readme. :S
I really don't.

The sourcecode I have looked at and it shows lots of weird stuff.