
Is this cheat or just a secret?
28 repliesIt can also be that the server/player/you has/have a very bad ping which means a game with lags.
The hidden laser is an easteregg/whatever. The walking-through-the-gate-without-breaking-it-trick definitely not.

But if you were there from the start and the round just started and you saw him go through then hes hacking.

GuestAs far as the bots go, a bot CAN get inside the fenced area without breaking the fence (not that they'd try to break it anyway), because of a waypoint/teleport glitch in CS2D. Despite my best attempts in mapping, this glitch causes bots that use teleporters to teleport to locations that the teleport entity does not point to. In this particular map, one of the teleporters down the stairs from inside the lab, which is supposed to teleport you to the lower level basement, is glitched by the bots, causing them to instead teleport into the fenced field on the side of the lab.
all u see is like 10 ppl sitting there shooting and stabbing walls and nobody playing the game properly.. and lasers are for weaklings.. all u need 2 do is aim and shoot.. then they are dead

When DC found out about my maps, and the rest of the cs2d community began to see them more often, DC decided to include a few in a new CS2D update. This totally surprised me, but I was quite glad at this achievement. However, I soon found out that as people played those maps, they found the secrets, and quickly everyone knew where they were and went straight about getting them.
I have now created updated maps, only one of which is currently released. CS_DRUGLAB_2007 is and updated version of CS_DRUGLAB_JW, which is greatly improved, and the secret area is removed. I wish DC could have included this map instead of CS_DRUGLAB_JW in an update.
I have also worked on and update for CSDE_AIRPORT, called CSDE_AIRPORT_JW. It has the lasers removed, the layout improved, and textures in progress of being enhanced. I have not released this update yet, but hope to in the near future.
I hope this lengthy post answers all your current questions.
Im gonna test your druglab

edited 1×, last 19.06.07 01:23:11 pm

Guest has written
Justin, your druglab map is my personal favorite out of all the CS2D maps. Could use some improvements, but great work.
which druglab are you referring to? cs_druglab_JW (included in CS2D) does contain some problems, as I explained in my post a little while ago, which I fixed mostly in my new version, cs_druglab_2007. The download for that map can be found in my previous lengthy post.
And I'm glad you enjoy my maps. If you do find any major bugs in my maps, feel free to let me know.

But I need more time to work on it!
Its gonna to be awsome!
Marcio has written
I'm creating a really good de_cpl_mill...
But I need more time to work on it!
Its gonna to be awsome!

But I need more time to work on it!
Its gonna to be awsome!