Duplicated above. -.-
I guess it could be nicer comments in the future.
Everybody is like fighting with words literally.
Which I find fun, although some words hit me.
Which I rofl at sometimes.

People call me hacker. -.-
I have been a maphacker, but I quit.
Since it's boring, people still think I hack.
I said I stopped like.... a really long time ago.
But people don't belive me.
I still try to tell them I don't hack, but still they won't stop abusing me about my past.
But people are just mad about something, or "something" lolz.
I just find it funny.. how you can fight with words.
Anyway back to topic, I have looked at the TGV site, and I gotta say it has some nice stuff, although it's very hard to find some useful stuff.
I hope there will be maps from the TGV clan.
But no... it seems like I'm the only mapper at CS2D. -.-
And takes months, for a map to show up.
I want more variation, so please someone become mapper.