console commands for cs2dg
console commands for cs2dg
23 replies i havent dl'ed it but i would assume you unzip the rar/zip file straight into your cs2d folder... it may ask you if you want to overwrite anything (again, idk what files are in that zip/rar) so just say yeah
seems kinda stupid though... perhaps practical for deagles...
dont you normally start out in a server with $800? and then once a new round begins (if you join mid-round) you get $1300 (so you start your first round in the server w/ $2100) or are you saying that you dont get that $1300?
cuz that would suck starting with only $800.... enough to get you a kevlar(no helm) and a defuse kit or a flare grenade or something... not enough for an HE
that was me... i forgot to put my name in
Lee Moderator
ur not suppose to get anything else, the first round, and maybe the second even, was suppose to be pistol rounds I drop this topic. -.-