team fortress 2d
team fortress 2d
11 replies so do you guys think tf2d you work eh just wondering team fortres 2d what's this?this forum is about cs2d! What is this "tf2d" suppose to be? A new guild I'm assuming? what i mean is do you think a team fortress 2d would do well like cs2d Depends whats a teamfortress2d game like? Honestly I never played a game like that. But cs2d is defintely a pretty solid game. well do you guys know what team fortress is anyway Lee Moderator
we need a mod for tf2d, i love all the weapons and characters on there, its the 3r best fps after hl and cs :D, well, not rly but u knw lol ehhh... whats team fortress?
I think it would be nice, although it have to be a seperate type of game. Like CS2D is one, and you know the rest. -.-
If not ask someone who knows better.
yeah i think tf2d would be good like you can bind a button to the special menu (special menu as in if you a spy you can change clothes by bringing up the special menu and pressing like another button and you change clothes similar to the buy menu for cs2d)