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English CS2D Max Menu (Video)

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old closed CS2D Max Menu (Video)


Dam, man that was too good for a update.
I didn't expect the update to be that big.
I really like that update, especially I noticed that you can replay is that true, like ingame then you can record when you play?

And I also noticed map transfer, and so on.
Have you said this before? anyway I haven't heard it then.
But dam this is too good, keep it up DC. √

Yeah! I would rate that video 11/10 if I had a youtube account.

For those who are slow, here's the link for the clip
edited 1×, last 14.05.07 08:55:04 pm

old Re: CS2D Max Menu (Video)

User Off Offline

Is not a update, is a new game!
I loved the movie, I can't wait for the release!

My vote: ∗∗∗∗∗

old Kk.


Sorry, I thought it was a update. :S

old Re: CS2D Max Menu (Video)

Admin On Online

yeah its the same game but its programmed entirely new
a replay/demo feature is planned as you can see in the menu. planned not realized yet so I can not promise that it will be available (never programmed something like that before but it should not be a big problem)

old Re: CS2D Max Menu (Video)

User Off Offline

Looks really nice! I can't wait!

I noticed in the map list you had maps such as: cs_siege, cs_mansion, de_rats, and de_aztecMAX, all of which were not originally included in the current version of CS2D. The aztecMAX I'm assuming is a remake only for the new cs2d.

However, I'm wondering who is the author of the other 3 maps (siege, mansion, and rats). Are they just more maps made by yourself, such as the original de_aztec and de_dust (for the current cs2d). Or are they from another mapper?

I know a (not-so-good) version of de_rats was made by "G0df4tH3r_PL". Cs_siege and cs_mansion have been made by a few different people. If they are the maps that I have previously downloaded and played, my opinion is that they are pretty crappy.

And on that topic, for future information, I am working on cs_siege_JW for cs2d which is based exactly off of the real 1.6 map, even using all custom textures taken directly from the 1.6 WAD. I have made a fair amount of progress on it, but development has since been put on hold. Once I get around to finishing it, it should turn out nicely, and hopefully ought to be included in the new cs2d.

Furthermore, others are working on remakes of default cs2d/cs 1.6 maps. As you likely have read, there is a thread on this site about the remake of de_dust by BockWurst. A very nice de_aztec has been made by oto_moto. A mapper named Pj[CZ] has made several maps: pj_de_dust, pj_de_dust2, pj_de_fastline, pj_cs_office, pj_fy_dodgeball, pj_fy_iceworld, and pj_de_tides. Remakes such as cs_assaultbetter and cs_italybetter have been made well by URBANRANGER.

I could go on and on about such, but I realize now this is quite lengthy and is currently irrelevant, as the new cs2d will not be coming out anytime soon.

old Re: CS2D Max Menu (Video)

User Off Offline

Nice menu:-) I want to remind one thing about sprays... Unique, own made sprays can't bee seen for other people, It could be changed.
Edit: Sorry I looked movie again and I saw this future in the menu, fantastic, very nice:-)

Ps. about maps, there could be a map contest before new version of cs2d realese (de_dust, de_inferno, cs_siege... and some unique maps). Everybody would be happy, maps would be in good quality.

old CS2D Max Menu (Video)


SlimDog has written
Nice menu:-) I want to remind one thing about sprays... Unique, own made sprays can't bee seen for other people, It could be changed.
Edit: Sorry I looked movie again and I saw this future in the menu, fantastic, very nice:-)

Ps. about maps, there could be a map contest before new version of cs2d realese (de_dust, de_inferno, cs_siege... and some unique maps). Everybody would be happy, maps would be in good quality.

I wouldn't like a mapping contest directly when it's release, who knows what will be new lol and I want to anticipate on any mapping contest, and I assumed there will be a new editor too or am I just randomly offtopic?

I'm just very insecure about this new CS2D MAX.

old Re: CS2D Max Menu (Video)

Admin On Online

@kimkat: erm.. you know that there is already the "new" external editor? this editor is for cs2d max (and the old cs)! the maps of the old cs2d will work with cs2d max too.
there might be only some minor differences with several entities (tilefx and sprites) due to the usage of another engine but I cannot give more information on that for now.

@justin: uhm I'm sorry all the maps listed there are just copied from my old cs2d dir in order to test the new maplist. I did spent time on mapping for the new cs2d yet.
Of course I will try to find the best maps and include them to cs2d. however since there will be a map transfer it will be much easier to spread new maps

old ..


Hmm, if I didn't get this wrong are you gonna delete "tilefx" and "env_sprites" just to save memory?

- Hmm, are you updating the env_sprites and tilefx entities to work with the new map-editor?

Or am I just getting it the wrong way, like I always do.

After this question I probably have no other.

I'm confused.

old Re: CS2D Max Menu (Video)

User Off Offline

I'm good to create small maps...
Like: fy_pool_day, fy_dust, fy_iceworld and others...
But in my opinion, we need make them better: de_dust, de_dust2, de_aztec, de_inferno, de_nuke, de_train...

old Re: CS2D Max Menu (Video)

Admin On Online

kimkat: you got it wrong. they are already included in the new editor and they work there. if you make a map with the new editor and play it with cs2d it will work with these entities.

they will be also available in the new cs2d but maybe with some changes in their settings or something. its not sure for know. forget it... it will not be a big thing at all.

old Re: CS2D Max Menu (Video)

Moderator Off Offline

i'd like to suggest not to save the recordings of games as files that constitutes each and every byte of a map, that will just be a night mare, instead, i recommend using a space to store the map details, another to track the players location and their weapons, and this could also be used to detect hacks, just a suggestion tho

old Re: CS2D Max Menu (Video)

Admin On Online

@leegao: it would be really really awful to have more than one file per recording in my opinion! so there will be one file and it contains the recording and maybe top secret stuff to detect cheating fags etc.
of course recordings will not contain the played maps or other unnecessary data. that would be pretty stupid. their primary content are the actions of the player. buying, movement, fighting. like it is realized in any other game which has such a feature...

old Re: CS2D Max Menu (Video)

Moderator Off Offline

sry, wut i meant was a directory for the map, the player actions can be easily tracked, however it would take a long file to do it

old ?


DC has written
@leegao: it would be really really awful to have more than one file per recording in my opinion! so there will be one file and it contains the recording and maybe top secret stuff to detect cheating fags etc.
of course recordings will not contain the played maps or other unnecessary data. that would be pretty stupid. their primary content are the actions of the player. buying, movement, fighting. like it is realized in any other game which has such a feature...

Hey isn't that bad?
Are you not gonna need the map to see what's going on or is the whole replay gonna be like set on transparent or something?

Like black? or what I want more info.
Sorry for the other question but this has got my attention.
Or maybe I have just gotten it wrong again but from what I read. Just answer the question. :S
edited 1×, last 16.05.07 05:00:55 pm

old Re: CS2D Max Menu (Video)

User Off Offline

I like the effects when selecting a checkbox or a textfield. But I think they are a bit too strong.
The separators between the types of maps are a good little feature, but I don't think it makes it so much easier to find a certain map.
I'd rather use tabs on the top side of the list.
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