4 replies THIS GAME USED TO BE SO FUN BUT NOW IT SUCKS SERIOUSLY. FKN NOOBS LAGGING AND HACKERS no wonder no1 plays :S cant you do anything about it Dude, just wait for CS2D Max..Or wait till Summer
Most people can't help it if they is lagging, I has dial-up cause I can't get dsl where I lives, (even though the people who lives about 3 houses away from me have dsl, and someone else in my neighborhood has t1). How can you say this game "used" to be so much fun when you have not been playing this game for very long. Observing from all your previous threads/post you just as bad as any of the other noobs who started playing this game but you actually know how to uprate and your aim is somewhat better than there's is correct?
It would be nice for an auto execute uprate 1 is it possible? who knows but uprate 1 aint always the best for everyone. Which is why the usgn accounts were implemented. That way noobs who don't have accounts and don't know how to uprate will be banned from those servers.
Like coolrun said just be patient for cs2d max I've been playing for 1 year about I think its enough to know how the game works and all.And I wouldn't say I'm a noob I own lots of people.Not as good as many people out there but I'm getting there.
will cs max come out will it be anytime soon.it looks good