
humer has written
ohh thanks huda jan, seems like i confound there something. I was a little bit busy. Sorry
hudajan,humer script worked but i think your one will work too (

EDIT: Nevermind, they use separate combinations. It just works.
darksol has written
I making a model for stranded 2 using blender and exporting it to .3ds i have the folder and the model in the same file but it is all white can any one help me
In blender you have to use set it to use relative
locations when saving texture info in the model.
In the "user preferences" window click the "File Paths",
button then click the "Relative Paths Default" button, it
should turn a dark teal.
Then click the "File" menu, then "Save Default Settings"
on:eat {
process "drinking",1000;
drink 5,0,50,0;
local $id;
store $id,"unit",1;
free "self";
It basically creates an empty bottle when you drink water. The problem is that the guy suddenly drinks whole stacks of water at once and it only makes one bottle. Making one bottle for a stack is bad enough, but drinking all your water in one gulp is worse.
store $id,"unit",1;
alteritem 1,106;
maybe that would work.
edited 1×, last 30.08.08 10:51:00 am
Guest has written
Wouldn't that need an item to alter? I thought that the drinking deleted the water... I'll try it anyway. Thanks.
^Was me, didn't work.

EDIT: Ah, fixed it. Got rid of the free self thingy and it worked for some reason. I'm awesome.
Guestai_stay "self";
can someone answer this :how do i make you can write on a sign (in a middle of a game) and then read what u written like any normal one?
edited 2×, last 31.08.08 12:54:02 pm
In-game chat probably won't work.

Now, I'm a bit rusty... are variables storable on a per-object basis?
edit: just found it, local $var; $var = someshit;
edited 3×, last 02.09.08 08:30:41 am

its located in maps\adventure\map01.s2
And I highly recomand to examine all the scripts in adventure

HudaJan has written
Stored items doesn't have states...
Yeah, but that's not what I want.
Okay, say I kill a crab and it has one piece of small meat. If it were to have had a certain state when it died, could I change the items I find on its corpse?