when I pick it up there is no error message.only nothing changes. I want to keep the timer going from the point of creation. even change the item if its stored.
is there anyway to stop people from using cheats on my maps
Not really. If they want to ruin all the fun, there's nothing the mapper can do about it, but you have to remember that cheating is beneficial to those who would not be able to progress otherwise. A bug in the program may cause the loss of a crucial item or the misplacement of something important. With the console, the player still has a chance to progress.
I won't say cheating is smart, but I will say that it can get you out of impossible situations sometimes.
Sorry for the lecture.
Who would know where to start with a random event script? I'd want it run on random islands and every day have a one in twenty-four chance to create a crate or barrel with an item chosen randomly from a list near the shore. I want it to deactivate once there are three crates/barrels created, and start again when one of them is destroyed.
maybe write the script on a text container and use the coomand addscript to the create variable.see how its dont with the pirate on 1st island.
oh,and,if u want the stop spawning put a spawn control info and set the number max to 3
maybe write the script on a text container and use the coomand addscript to the create variable.see how its dont with the pirate on 1st island.
oh,and,if u want the stop spawning put a spawn control info and set the number max to 3
Don't infos have to be placed in the editor, though? What I want is something I can add to the random island configs that does what I've described automatically.
Hmm.. It is possible, but pretty hard, sorry but you should give it up. For now
Anyway I can tell you scripts getx getz timer particle
(if , getweather)
But I'm affraid it doesn't help sorry
Well, you can't do bad if you examine those scripts for later use
Hmm.. It is possible, but pretty hard, sorry but you should give it up. For now
Anyway I can tell you scripts getx getz timer particle
(if , getweather)
But I'm affraid it doesn't help sorry
Well, you can't do bad if you examine those scripts for later use
Alright, another time then. Right now I've got the hammer rigged to break with a 1/200 chance every time it strikes something, but I'd also like to make this happen with a lower probability every time the player uses it on a building site. Here's the impact script.
on:impact {
if ($tmp==2){
free current_class(),current_id(),1;
speech "negative";
msg "My hammer broke!",3;
freevar $tmp;
How could I apply this when the player uses a building site?
I can't simply hook it to attack2, because that would give the hammer a chance to break when the player accesses the building menu.
Hello my name is Kumera how would a script go ,to make a Cannon act as a rifle,but but "on:use say Ride to stand behind it and be able to turn it and shoot a cannonball? like when you throw a banana.
And how can I attach a item to an object say a Cannon to a SHip or that Pirate guy to a SHip so he doesnt fall into the water when it sails?.
For some reason I recall someone made a Turret for a mod but cant remember.
Oh yeah i can make b3d models if anyone wants anything
ive been trying to get the yaut to move foward off the map by it self but my script dosent seem to work can you guys take a look at it?
1 2 3
on:start {
	ai_mode move "self";
Well, I don't know anything about this, but it would seem that if you told something to move, you'd need to tell it the direction that it should move in.