
on:start {
local $i;
$i= currentid();
unitpath $i,1,2,3,4,5,1; //Or any other
freevar $i;
//fired when last node in path reached.
//in this case, 5.
on:node0005 {
local $i;
$i= currentid();
unitpath $i,1,2,3,4,5,1; //Or any other, restart with last point!
freevar $i;
pitch for cannon
Guestyou'd have to get the pitch pf the player, not of the canon.
hm, I seriously have no idea, there is no command for this

Flying Lizard has written
hm, I seriously have no idea, there is no command for this
hm, I seriously have no idea, there is no command for this

Strange, we can change terrain height in-game, but not the color of the ground?

jockmo42 has written
Strange, we can change terrain height in-game, but not the color of the ground? 

jup, that's how it is. Well, you can atleast not change the color of specific pixels in the colormap.
Flying Lizard has written
jup, that's how it is. Well, you can atleast not change the color of specific pixels in the colormap.
jockmo42 has written
Strange, we can change terrain height in-game, but not the color of the ground? 

jup, that's how it is. Well, you can atleast not change the color of specific pixels in the colormap.
So I can change the color of non-specific pixels?
humer has written
Yes of course in editor by using the colormap. But there is no script command which changes the color of ground or "specific pixels" as Lizard said.
Hmm, whatever then.
Can I make an info with it's own script and items attached, (like a fishing zone) upon the creation of an object?
Also, is it true that if you're fishing near fish, you still have a chance to catch something even if it's not a fishing zone?
And what does autofade in the object definitions mean?
Guenter13 has written
you could catch fishes with a higher skill, even its not a fishing zone
Yes when your skill is high enough you don't need to fish in a fishing zone also you can use a decoy to raise your chance with a lower skillvalue.
Sorry I didn't get your first question maybe you can retype it a little bit or explain it a bit more.
humer has written
Autofade is the distance at which the object will be faded out, so you can't see it anymore.
Yes when your skill is high enough you don't need to fish in a fishing zone also you can use a decoy to raise your chance with a lower skillvalue.
Sorry I didn't get your first question maybe you can retype it a little bit or explain it a bit more.
Guenter13 has written
you could catch fishes with a higher skill, even its not a fishing zone
Yes when your skill is high enough you don't need to fish in a fishing zone also you can use a decoy to raise your chance with a lower skillvalue.
Sorry I didn't get your first question maybe you can retype it a little bit or explain it a bit more.
Well, lets say I have a building that I want to make. When it is constructed by the player in-game, a fishing zone with set values for radius, fish, and a script will be created and centered on it.
I don't know if this is possible. Oh, and my other question;
I was playing the adventure, and the diary entry for finding the fish said that I could fish anywhere there are fish, or anywhere with ripples in the water(a fishing zone).
In the ai files, the fishes have on fish scripts attached to them, so I assume that each fish is its own little fishing zone. Yet, when I try in-game to fish, I've never managed to catch one while not in a fishing zone.
EDIT: WOW. Realization. Why don't I just attach an on fish to the building!?
jockmo42 has written
Yet, when I try in-game to fish, I've never managed to catch one while not in a fishing zone.
Yeah thats right. You need to have a high skill. At first you will fish only seastars and mussels. By increasing your skill the chance for a fish will get higher and higher. To have a higher chance by low skill you can use decoys.
jockmo42 has written
EDIT: WOW. Realization. Why don't I just attach an on fish to the building!?
A building which can be fished!? That sounds quite strange!

humer has written
A building which can be fished!? That sounds quite strange! 

Haha, all will become clear in time. Thanks for the help.
when a building is finished (like when you build a water dissilter,it makes a freshwater radius.)