6 replies can i edit a language? when yes, where... i tried to translate cs2d to bulgarian but something got wrong and it could'nt translate it (i think it was becouse it can't read bulgarian ) i tried to do that with the source code dont know 4 U
Lee Moderator
dont just put the sourcecode in the translator b/c that will translate the keywords too, just write a program that only sends parts in quote to the translator and when it comes back replace it with the orriginal quote i say O M G! why shall i use a translator and did you ever view cs2d source and i edited no keywords becouse im familiar with blitz basic and if you think me for that stupid go and f*** up!
i know enought english to translate cs2d to bulgarian! Lee Moderator
-.-, im just saying, u didnt say anything about that -.- well,you already know ;).....sorry 4 flaming.... Lee Moderator
well, if thats the case, you might have to replace some nonstandard characters with its char() one, i think Blitz supports that but im not sure