Cheat Detection
Cheat Detection
5 replies This just happened recently. I was playing in my server for a few rounds and suddenly I had a cheat detected sign and said that I was using high ammo. Trust me, I have never cheated or hacked in my life. Anyone know the problem? mrc User
That's happened with me too!
I was playing a few minutes ago on my server and this same message appear on my screen...
Lee Moderator
lol, its due to lag, i remember once i get the high health and the high ammo on my own server -.-, thnx to someon with a 2000+ ping me too!!
i got there message!!!
i was in my server and i got this...
i dont use cheats -.-!
championship OPB have 2 slots !!
register fast I think the current cheat detection should be deleted from the cs2d engine. :S
It just doesn't work.
I sooner lagg, then getting high health and mav and getting kicked from my own and others servers.
I fully support in a new anti cheat anyway.
DC Admin
old and well known problem. this can happen when the connection is slow/bad/unstable and/or the ping is high