
coolrun has written
Question: I just saw someone from DBD named Pazzar hacking. How do you respond to this lol?
P.S: Back from Pittsburgh
P.S: Back from Pittsburgh

Well next time, take a screenshot and upload it here so we can bust the hacker. You can not just say somebody is hacking without any proof. Next time bring proof...

By typing "listplayers" in the console and then if you can, take screenshot of it.
So we could trace him down.

KimKat has written
Well next time, take a screenshot and upload it here so we can bust the hacker. You can not just say somebody is hacking without any proof. Next time bring proof...
coolrun has written
Question: I just saw someone from DBD named Pazzar hacking. How do you respond to this lol?
P.S: Back from Pittsburgh
P.S: Back from Pittsburgh

Well next time, take a screenshot and upload it here so we can bust the hacker. You can not just say somebody is hacking without any proof. Next time bring proof...

theres something called credit, coolrun's certainly got enuf of it and I believe him -.-

What is a clan used for ?
To play championships ? Or just to have fun with friend or professionals or both

EDIT : little up, can somebody answer me please

edited 1×, last 09.08.07 10:14:14 am
I have registered.

Now register on mine.

Kalinar has written
Excuse me, as this topic is about a clan, I allow myself for a little question :
What is a clan used for ?
To play championships ? Or just to have fun with friend or professionals or both
EDIT : little up, can somebody answer me please
What is a clan used for ?
To play championships ? Or just to have fun with friend or professionals or both

EDIT : little up, can somebody answer me please

wish i could tell you that but i don't think that when the word clan came into the minds of gamer, they don't really have a specific definition, it depends on the founder and its members and its definition can evolve as it grows
D1aMoNd_ has written
habbib what are you talking about [TGV] and [DBD] are the only clans active...[A41] clan is the most active out of all of em ..
Wait until next year =P. Besides, I'm on everyday.

I think this a decent yet small clan on CS2D. I hope they can get back on track and active again. Best of luck.
#1 From Aimless, source: http://tgv.forum5.com/viewtopic.php?t=781&mforum=tgv
aimless has written
#2 From BleedingGunz, http://z8.invisionfree.com/KingGuild/index.php?showtopic=606&view=findpost&p=2991009
[DBD has written
BLe3dinGunz"]I am the leader of dbd now because the real leader is away and the backup is 2 busy to lead. idk if u know but recently the dbd forums were hacked which makes it alot harder for me to lead the clan so king is ask you will you let dbd combine into your clan just untill habbib get back probaly around late oct?
some one might want to work this out, though I presume the official forum resides in the King Clan subsection for now
So, as far as I know, DBD will be using the sub-section of King for the time being, but once their leader is back, they should be able to set things straight and possibly fix their old forum. Or, they might be able to use the new forum set up by Aimless.
But this is all up to them to decide. My best guess is that for the duration of the next month or two, DBD can be contacted via the King section. After that, they ought to be back on track and able to move to a new forum.