I am very bored on my mac right now and i thought i'd try to get cs2d to work on my mac. I tried using crossover but I don't think it worked. Ive gotten counter strike:source to work on my mac before. Just wondering If anyone has gotten it to work or know how to get it to work.

4 replies

I am very bored on my mac right now and i thought i'd try to get cs2d to work on my mac. I tried using crossover but I don't think it worked. Ive gotten counter strike:source to work on my mac before. Just wondering If anyone has gotten it to work or know how to get it to work.

or wait the new CS2DMax, it will be scriptet in BlitzMax an in this language u can also create MAC .app files, but i don`t know, the software will be able to create universal binarie .app files
the other: go find vmware and install a copy of winXP and it shud work from there (dont forget the drivers tho, those are a biggie)