Problem with Servers
Problem with Servers
6 replies How come when I go to "Net Game", there are only servers made by other people, I can't find the regesterd servers anymore... Am I banned or something??? DC Admin
there is not really a difference between "registered servers" and servers made by other people.
everything is working fine. the server(s) you are searching for are probably just down. this is not because of cs2d or the usgn or yourself but because of the server.
talk to the owner(s) of the server(s) you are talking about. Lee Moderator
the Storm.Rox.PL servers are no longer functional, go to
to see the details (none actually) mrc User
in the last days happened much shit.
I don't want to host the clanpage or any cs2d servers anymore.
Please think about what you did/said.
I regret wasted my time.
I'm sorry for the people who aren't responsible for this shit.
greetz 3rr0r"
Lee Moderator
it's wut happened to the servers -.- I don't think that's funny one bit. It's hurting CS2D and the whole community for people that can't host servers. Your arrogance is idiotic and childish. Lee Moderator