Any idea what's happening??

Any idea what's happening??
Ever since i saw Man Vs Wild for the first time, i have wanted to play a game of survival like it.
When i first got Stranded 2, it was close, but didnt seem the same as it was just 1 plain island, all the same; no defined Forests, lakes or plains.
When i downloaded Massive Mod and played the map builder created, with about 6 islands all different, it was great and close to the type of map i wanted.
But what would be great is like a HUUUUGE map. Of all different types of Terrains, and areas to cross. Almost like it is just an Adventure in itself to cross the island!
So if anyone could let me know if they know of a map like this, or could create one I would be so happy, and im sure many others would too!
And also there is a Man Vs Wild game coming out, im not sure if its gonna be good or not!

@ builder
i'd like to volenter my work as a wepon maker
ab6100 has written
If you do that, make your own inf files. eg;
That way if I decide to include them I don't have to mess around with merging my files with yours.

Skrylius has written
100 HITS
This means that small random islands are no fun.I'll need to generate large one
EDIT:Another problem
I built the forge,but i do not know how to put charcoal into it,because it says that "I cannot drink from it 'cuz it's empty"
EDIT2: Problem solved with Google :))
kk0114 has written
Use a hammer to attack a small rock, if it turns into green, then keep attacking.
It'll become a water rock after hundred hits.
If the color doesn't change, then you should change a rock.
Sorry for my bad English, I hope it's clear enough.
Skrylius has written
And if there are none,how do you make them?By drinking out of them?Or can i craft one?How do i craft it?
Vibhor has written
that "special' requirement is an empty water rock and thats it
just build it on empty water rock
if there are none then make one
just build it on empty water rock
if there are none then make one
And if there are none,how do you make them?By drinking out of them?Or can i craft one?How do i craft it?
Use a hammer to attack a small rock, if it turns into green, then keep attacking.
It'll become a water rock after hundred hits.
If the color doesn't change, then you should change a rock.
Sorry for my bad English, I hope it's clear enough.
100 HITS

This means that small random islands are no fun.I'll need to generate large one

EDIT:Another problem

EDIT2: Problem solved with Google :))
hit on it after you build it...with the left button

you make a second fireplace and build it on top just like the grill....uses saltwater in bottles and produce salt
edited 1×, last 11.10.10 07:03:02 pm
TheJerk has written
and when he says a lot, he means the capacity to click "Generate random", click a few buttons to alter terrain/elevation, and click a few buttons to drop items, with scripting only required in a very minor degree to cause scripted events.
By the looks of it you know nothing about it, I'm not trying to make a stupid "click to generate" map, the stuff I am doing is making a full fledged campaign maybe you should look on mod DB for it when I'm finished so you can see what a real modder looks like, I havent seen you working on anything
The Stranger has written
By the looks of it you know nothing about it, I'm not trying to make a stupid "click to generate" map, the stuff I am doing is making a full fledged campaign maybe you should look on mod DB for it when I'm finished so you can see what a real modder looks like, I havent seen you working on anything
TheJerk has written
and when he says a lot, he means the capacity to click "Generate random", click a few buttons to alter terrain/elevation, and click a few buttons to drop items, with scripting only required in a very minor degree to cause scripted events.
By the looks of it you know nothing about it, I'm not trying to make a stupid "click to generate" map, the stuff I am doing is making a full fledged campaign maybe you should look on mod DB for it when I'm finished so you can see what a real modder looks like, I havent seen you working on anything
Hey Stranger, You seem like just the type of guy i need!
For AGES I have been looking for a HUUUUUGE map in Stranded MM, JUST LIKE IN MAN VS WILD!! With Forests,tundras,plains,lakes... etc ALL IN THE ONE MAP, making it feel like an adventure just to cross the map, finding cool things on the way!
So it would be awesome if you could make a map like this, if your going to make a map for the community, maybe consider making one like this and suit it for Massive Mod!
Lizard Ant
Forgive me if I'm asking a very, nooby, question.
Also, got a suggestion...
While trying to kill a lion with a bamboo spear, I accidentally hit one of my sheep... I found it really annoying when my sheep died because of bleeding... especially since I had a bandage and a medic kit in my rucksack...
I was thinking that perhaps there could be some way invented to cure animals?
Like... if their poisoned, give them a poison antidote, if their bleeding, give them a bandage or a blue herb...
Just an idea that I think should be implemented, it would be realistic, and to say the least, nice...
I'm one sheep short because of a misfire... that in real life I could have fixed...

Also, Bamboo, has an F beside it (yellow F) However I can't add it to the fireplace or forge...
Am I missing something?
Or did you forget something...
I'm writing this post as I play the Mod

I also want to congratulate you one such a splendid game! Its rare that someone can make such a successful and realistic mod like this.
Your mod is among my favorites to play.

Its also among my Dad's favorites!
Couple suggestions that I thought up while playing...
Hitting a tree, equals a bird...
In real life birds hang around trees and electric posts and anything that is at least 3 meters off the ground... especially when there's alot of people around.
Now, in real life you don't notice too many birds around often if your looking for them, however, they are many times in the trees and hiding between the branches.
However, often if you go up to a large tree, that has several birds in it, and pound on it really hard with oh say, a hammer, perhaps even an axe, it will shake the tree and those birds will go flying...
Now, I see two things that could possibly be implemented to make Massive mod more realistic...
#1, While hitting a tree with an axe, (about the only thing that will shudder a tree hard enough...) the tree spawns several black birds, and possibly even a couple parrots...
#2 The tree gathers black birds and parrots, and lets them out randomly or, all at once when it gets hit... Say, a tree has a timer, like, every 30 secs it checks its immediate vicinity for those units, if it finds a unit, the unit frees itself, and the tree gains that unit in its inventory... then in 30 secs again, it tries to catch another unit, but also, theres a random factor of like 1/3 chance (you'd have to tweak with it till you get the ratios right...) of letting the unit that it caught last time free...
That would give the appearance of birds nesting in the trees...
Just a suggestion that I thought of...
Also, maybe someone could explain to me how the distiller works?
edited 3×, last 13.10.10 03:06:04 pm
i have a the head and the shaft how do i join them
same with arrows
I use torches many times for orientation on a random map...
One day, it decided to rain, and I needed to go out and get more logs for one of my building projects... But, when I came back that night, I couldn't find my base because all the torches were killed because of the rain...
I suggest that you can build a covered torch, or... in more simpler terms.... a torch with a small cover on it, made out of skin or some other readily available substance... that you could light when it was raining, and would stay lit...
Just an idea...
Thank you,
edited 1×, last 14.10.10 11:22:03 pm
Lion_Hearted has written
a covered torch, or... in more simpler terms.... a torch with a small cover on it
Maybe an oil lamp? The sharks provide a good amount of it, and for Easy islands animal fat may do just as well.
Finally, another use for clay!

After, oh say... 50 skill points in clay, you can build an oil torch, and an oil lamp...
Oil torch would consist of... and oil lamp, vine, and a stick...
Oil lamp would consist of clay, a cord, and a knife... with of course, oil on use...
And... can anybody explain where steel comes from, and more importantly, what use is the lava forge?
kewl... ill start working on it right now
ps. im going to use the 6000's as my idem ids for now
if you'ed like them to have diferent idem ids just say so
@builder2-0 (about lion harted's idea)
or you could also make surten things (ie. oil or fat with paper) keep burning when wet... also. i will add a few lamp ideas (in idem pack) for you...
could you moddle them after i put out the idem pack for builder... just try to make them look right... or close... or realy anything... i'll leave the adding the moddles to the idem pack to builder
edited 3×, last 15.10.10 11:16:31 pm

Builder2-0 has written
Ah, that's one of the merges from Ironlion's addon. Fixed it now; interestingly enough it didn't make any difference ingame. Thanks for the error report. (I usually only use S2MV for combinations troubleshooting)
Psytechnic has written
Hey builder. Nice to see you're still in the community.
Your error report from the latest development build of S2MV... Just one error.
Your error report from the latest development build of S2MV... Just one error.
Ah, that's one of the merges from Ironlion's addon. Fixed it now; interestingly enough it didn't make any difference ingame. Thanks for the error report. (I usually only use S2MV for combinations troubleshooting)
@Builder 2.0: so will you help me make a stranded with high graphics, awesome physics and proper lighting?