ctf_Operation_SandstormDevGru User Offline 07.04.12 11:16:01 am Hello there, I created a new map. I created it because I'm tired this night. The map has: Fake shadows de_Afghanistan tileset Tile blending Suitable with: Team Deathmatch Construction Rules: Use it for your server Say you made it Re-upload it with my permission Credits: BaDgEr for the de_Afghantistan tileset P.S.: On the map export, there's no background but there is on the real map. edited 1×, last 07.04.12 11:24:56 am Approved by GeoB99 (02.07.17 09:53 am) Download 897 kb, 375 Downloads
DevGru User Offline 08.04.12 02:36:26 am @ Seekay: What the hell are you talking about? This map's tileset is not dust. I downloaded a small CS:S pack that contains new aztec and dust tileset.
Seekay Reviewer Offline 07.04.12 01:25:21 pm So? You can download CS2D, change the name of the modified dust-tile set and then extract the original one. Why is your dust set different in the first place?
Yates Reviewer Offline 07.04.12 11:30:46 am No, it wouldn't. The dust tile set has loads of tiles which you could have used yet chose to leave it open, empty and boring.
DevGru User Offline 07.04.12 11:26:42 am @ Alistaire: It would be the same if I used de_dust tileset. Just sayin'. Edit: P.S.: It's BaDgEr's, not mine. Tell it to him.
DevGru User Offline 07.04.12 11:23:33 am @ Sparty: I'm tired lol. I mean I'm tired, it's 7 o'clock here. I'm gonna work on the mod tomorrow.
Sparty Reviewer Offline 07.04.12 11:22:51 am WHAT? "I'm bored and I've got nothing to do." u mad bro? I thought you were going to do your Mod I like it!