ingram mac - modpirate of island User Offline 11.08.13 10:28:13 pm ingram mac mod Approved by Seekay (04.12.15 01:35 pm) Download 26 kb, 625 Downloads
pirate of island User Offline 28.10.13 09:15:02 pm Kristian Lim i use the google sketchup : , and to convert to b3d model i use the milkshape : , but if you want to learn , how to make a 3d model watch the videos that have in the program , is very easy to do models with the google sketchup
Kristian Lim User Offline 26.10.13 08:10:19 am how to make 3d model? what program i must use help @ pirate of island: I like it!
pirate of island User Offline 28.08.13 01:13:04 am -tony316- = i realy don´t know how many polygons does it have stranded_guy2910 = thanks , I'm sorry, but I still kinda newbie assasim moder = thanks by support .
-tony316- User Offline 13.08.13 11:33:17 am You should write "model" instead of mod. It could confuse people. And the model should be smoother. I´ve never seen a weapon with such sharp edges. How many polygons does it have?
Stranded_Guy2910 User Offline 12.08.13 07:31:08 pm Looks really nice, just need better textures. Keep up the good work!
brofistmsia User Offline 12.08.13 01:38:25 pm Cool, make higher texture a bit, need to be detailed. I like it!
Raisun User Offline 12.08.13 09:44:23 am Same question goes for user below me. Anyway, as for your first random model it's okay. Try to add more details or better textures next time.
Assassin moder User Offline 12.08.13 12:10:12 am As I can see, you just started yours modding with the game. Nice job and keep it up! I like it!
pirate of island User Offline 11.08.13 11:05:34 pm I already delete one of uploads edited 2×, last 28.08.13 07:49:39 pm
Yates Reviewer Offline 11.08.13 10:39:17 pm "succesfully upload" // "hence I did upload again" wat? Successful upload == YOU UPLOADED SUCCESSFULLY.
pirate of island User Offline 11.08.13 10:32:13 pm was not my fault, because I did upload, there appeared the message: succesfully upload, hence I did upload again, thinking I had not done.