(special for crazy junkman Wolfgang xD)
1. open the game
2. start your map (okay, let's proceed to a difficult part)
3. you must get x,y coordinates of places where you want to spawn anomalies (remember them or write down (I added an additional script in archive for it))
4. open anomaly.lua and see function block at line 50 (anom_maps()), there you will see examples of different spawn options on several maps
5. now go to the empty line 122 and add these strings
elseif map("name") == "de_dust" then
	ANOMALIES[1].x = 1234
	ANOMALIES[1].y = 1234
	ANOMALIES[1].atype = 1
de_dust - is your map name
ANOMALIES[1] - is anomaly number 1

in default settings there are 4 anomalies, so you must add configs for all of them - ANOMALIES[2], 3, 4 or delete unnecessary
x - x position in pixels
y - ...
atype - type of anomaly 1= springboar (tramplin), 2= vortex (voronka) 3 = burner (zharka) 4 = electro (electra) 5 = fruit punch

6. deleting or adding more anomalies, well if you have a small map and you need only 2 anomalies, you must delete anomalies with id 3 and 4 because they installed in the starting configuration, so add these strings (in the same place, just below)
table.remove(ANOMALIES, 4)
table.remove(ANOMALIES, 3)
or maybe you don't want to delete and want to add 3 more, then add these strings instead
ANOMALIES[#ANOMALIES+1]= {x = 1234,y = 1234,atype = 1,state = 0,players={},factor = 0,}
ANOMALIES[#ANOMALIES+1]= {x = 3333,y = 3333,atype = 5,state = 0,players={},factor = 0,}
ANOMALIES[#ANOMALIES+1]= {x = 8888,y = 8888,atype = 3,state = 0,players={},factor = 0,}
change only x,y and atype
7. save the script and start your server
8. additional edits
8.1 change damage of anomalies
line 375, anom_damage_second()
find these strings (don't add)
parse("sethealth "..id.." "..(player(id,"health") - 10))
parse("sethealth "..id.." "..(player(id,"health") - 50))
parse("sethealth "..id.." "..(player(id,"health") - 15))
parse("sethealth "..id.." "..(player(id,"health") - 20))
parse("sethealth "..id.." "..(player(id,"health") - 5))
and edit numbers (10, 50, 15, ...) - this is anomalies damage
8.2 change slowing down (deceleration)
line 482, anomaly_speedmod(id,i)
find the strings that looks like
parse("speedmod "..id.." -15")
and change number
8.3 change sprites
line 130, anom_start()
find the strings like
a_img[i] = image("gfx/! stalker/smoke_ring.png", 0, 1, 3)
and change path to your new sprite gfx/shit.png
8.4 change force of vortex
line 256, math.dist_vortex(id, i)
find these lines that look like
new_x[id] = px+math.random(5,9)
and change numbers 5,9 - this is pixels on which the player is attracted to anomaly
8.5 changing of radius of anomaly damage (omg, pro level)
well, my default damage radius is 100, so you just need to find all strings like dist < 100 and change number
if you want to make anomalies smaller, change only number 100 at lines:
line 278
line 314
line 328
line 336
line 347
if you want to make your anomalies bigger, you must edit all numbers, like 100, 120, 160, 210 in same functions
8.69 zone with random anomalies spawn in it
when you create and customize your anomalies (step 5) you can type this strings
ANOMALIES[1].x = math.random(100,300)
ANOMALIES[1].y = math.random(111,333)
ANOMALIES[1].atype = 5
so, as you can see, your x and y coordinates began to look as math.random(100,300), here 100 is a minimum x value 300 is a maximum value and same for y so you have a square zone from x,y (100,111) to (300,333), your anomaly will spawn randomly in this zone after map changing (not restart the round)(well I can add an additional function to be able respawn after round restart but this is not very necessary)
8.7 deleting effects (make your anamalies invisible!!!

go to line 371 and delete it (delete anom_wait_effects() string)
9.9 if you have more questions about editing, please ask them (no, don't do it

goes out to the noobs in scripting (from a noob of scripting)