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English Roads (Some Commercial Break) >

4 comments534 kb, 452 Downloads

old Roads (Some Commercial Break)

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Are you bored finding some Roads? Are you lazy to place Roads into the Tileset? not anymore, introducing.. F l e x R o a d

it's an fancy nice road, but you're trying to break it, it's still indestructible!

Waterproofing? Yes it is.. We are including much more can handle.

You can stick anywhere, anytime, & anything.

You know what i need to stop this nonsense

Spoiler >

√ You may used it for you're map
√ You can Comments & like
√ Be sure to used this & put the Description on me or else.
× Stealing / copying my Sprite (or else i will burn you're computer)

First extract ""
Second put the folder inside the gfx/sprites/ "Just place here you dummy"
Third, have fun!

In Map Editor:
First find an "Road" on a Sprites folder
Second use any kind of road you want
Third go to propertise
Fourth Disable Sprite Cover only
Fifth Test & boom


Why does the Sprite doesn't showed up on my player?
Maybe you didn't turn off the Sprite covers pl.

What if i copy or stealing you're design, are you going to burn my computer?
Of course, if you're trying to.
edited 10×, last 05.02.19 01:42:10 am
Approved by GeoB99

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534 kb, 452 Downloads


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Mami Tomoe
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Gotta love me some roads.
I like it!


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Thanks my dood, for liking it!
edited 1×, last 04.02.19 11:56:00 am


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Great roads! (Not like in the CIS countries)
I like it!
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