de_ancient (by mrc)mrc User Offline 17.09.23 05:53:33 pm Ancient - Bomb/Defuse Map by mrc Mapexport Spoiler Edited in January 2nd, 2024 Map size reduced from 416kb to 63kb. Better compatibility with 3D mode. Some minor improvements. edited 24×, last 03.01.24 02:17:21 am Approved by Gaios (18.09.23 01:23 pm) Download 62 kb, 101 Downloads
BcY Reviewer Offline 26.12.23 05:32:38 pm Consider compressing images(tileset and other gfx) and sounds. 416kb is too much for a map to download. I like it!
the bamboozle User Offline 24.12.23 11:35:59 am I like your simplification of the layout for cs2d, can't seem to get it right myself. The way you set up the walls and cubes are pretty interesting too. I like it!