In the world of gaming, the debate over frame rates has raged for years. Gamers, developers, and hardware manufacturers have long discussed the merits of higher frame rates in 3D games. However, when it comes to 2D video games, the discussion often takes a back seat.

Does uncapping FPS even matter in a 2D game like CS2D? Do we even need it?
The primary reason to remove a 60 FPS limit is the level of fluidity and responsiveness it offers. 2D games are known for their simplicity and elegance, and uncapping the frame rate can enhance this quality. In a game like CS2D without a 60 FPS cap, animations and movements become buttery-smooth, creating a visually pleasing and highly responsive experience; Improving the experience for the players especially the competitive players.
The absence of a frame rate limit means that players with high-refresh-rate monitors can fully utilize their hardware, resulting in a gameplay experience that feels incredibly natural and seamless.
Unlike 3D games, CS2D is less demanding and doesn't require substantial hardware resources to reach higher frame rates. This means that even lower-end or older systems can take full advantage of the increased frame rate, resulting in visually enhanced graphics and faster responsiveness.

Removing the 60 FPS limit also allows professional gamers to maximize the potential of their high-end gaming setups, providing a more level playing field for everyone involved in competitive gaming.
The absence of a 60 FPS limit offers numerous advantages, including increased fluidity, enhanced visuals, improved responsiveness, and a competitive edge. While 60 FPS has been a long-standing standard in CS2D, It doesn't mean it can't benefit from the flexibility and smoothness that comes with uncapped frame rates.

- This is modified binaries of CS2D version without the FPS lock.

- Download the provided ZIP, and extract the files to your CS2D folder.

- If your monitor supports less than 120 HZ refresh rate (e.g: 60 hz) then I'd recommend using the ranu_CS2D[120FPS].exe file. Simply open it instead of the original CS2D.exe file.
Anyone can still benefit from it, even those that don't have monitors that support 120 hz refresh rate. Some of the benefits:

However, If you have a monitor that supports over 120 hz refresh rate, then I'd recommend using the ranu_CS2D[UNLOCKED_FPS].exe file BUT you're not done yet. Since this version does not have a FPS limit it means it will use the FULL power of your CPU.

So you need to use a third-party FPS limiter to limit CS2D FPS Unlocked patch everytime you play it. If you have NVIDIA GPU then you can simply use the Nvidia Control Panel and force turn on V-Sync there for the ranu_CS2D[UNLOCKED_FPS].exe executable file or force a FPS limit on it. This approach doesn't even require you to do it everytime, just once and you're good!

Executable files SHA256 Checksum + Virustotal
ranu_CS2D[UNLIMITED_FPS]_v1.0.1.4.exe (mentioned as ranu_CS2D[UNLOCKED_FPS].exe above):
SHA-256: 62c5ff25a2fa3cefe1eb48663cc9c7c212752ac33a59bed6fcd94bf28a6fcfa9
SHA-256: 48ba86694412925db9fe08c85fa409e52f3691714c16a0dcfca7c27cdaa8880c
SHA-256: 2483913a6eb219edc4b9d0290162b808f961706fc92ac490e8016b3cf5c9146b

180 FPS/TPS lock for cs2d dedicated server
How to verify the files yourself to make sure they're safe, they're not VIRUS or malware?
You can use something like a Hex Editor and compare the files to the original CS2D.exe and see that only a few bytes have been changed (FLOATS & STRINGS)


edited 15×, last 29.07.24 07:49:33 pm
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