
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Teleport Command # HC 1.9.4
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English Teleport Command # HC 1.9.4 >

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old Teleport Command # HC 1.9.4

Mami Tomoe
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This is a simple module that you may implement into file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 .
Other versions of the framework (such as file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.3 ) may work, but might require tinkering.

This module will implement the "teleport" feature.
Said feature allows pre-configured staff members to teleport player A to player B.

The feature is available as both a say command and a menu command.

This functionality is especially useful for non-standard servers, that may require teleporting players by staff for whatever reason.

As this module is specifically made for file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 , it cannot work independently, but, that also means that it should work seamlessly.
edited 1×, last 14.03.25 01:28:43 pm
Approved by Gaios

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87 kb, 6 Downloads



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