this Script is a remake from the Call of Duty: Black Ops - Sharpshooter mode.
Update: I just remade the whole code and fixed as much bugs as I found. If there are still bugs please write a comment or write me a message. Thanks!
How does this script work?
All players are against each other and spawn randomly.
Every minute a new weapon is rolled and equiped to everybody until the next gun gets rolled (IDs= 1 until 49)
A round ends when a player made 30 kills.
What was the update?
This script has more comments than commands (haha). Everything should be easy to understand. I also used arrays a lot which give you the possibilty to change small settings on a comfortable way.
Ideas of what you can add or Todo list:
- database of amount of wins/loss (+ using real save/load functions)
- combine this and the One in the Chamber mod
- intern stuff (read comments in script to get an idea)
How to install?
Autorun - fast easy and most recommend:
.1 go to \Counter Strike 2D\sys\lua\autorun\ and extract sharpshooter.lua.
Manual - slow but you have a better overview of your scripts:
.1 go to \Counter Strike 2D\sys\lua\ and extract sharpshooter.lua
.2 open CS2D -> New Game -> More Settings -> mp_luaserver = sharpshooter.lua -> Apply
Server.lua - slow but you have a better overview of your multiple scripts:
.1 go to \Counter Strike 2D\sys\lua\ and extract sharpshooter.lua
.2 open server.lua and add a new line dofile(sys/lua/sharpshooter.lua)
Do what ever you want with this script. For whatever reason the archive explorer doesnt show you the script but it actually exists. Sorry for that (7zip fail?)
edited 6×, last 29.04.15 10:37:10 pm
Approved by GeoB99
3 kb, 586 Downloads