DC, i think you should open new forums like Report Bugs / and Report Forum Users
i'm sorry but he should have said it gently.
and also
the guy named with fatso now uses name (Atlantis) Fatso. beware... Admin/mod comment
Please either read your own posts or google what the word obnoxious means. you'll find examples in both sources. /Lee Ehh, this is spam and flame.
if he continues to harass you let DC know via PM and he will take care of it. and for that suggestion. we here at unrealsoftware would be FULL of threads if that happened.
*hint*hint* dont post any more treads about abuse, hacks, or "game ruiners" ok? what about the pm you sent him?
By the title I thought DC told you to eff off.
ehh, wrong again, look at the sender, Zune5 is the one who sent the message yo!
thats why i said that thing about harassment... Lee Moderator
Very interesting, would you rather have him tell you to f*** off with their business and stop being a nosey SOB? IMO his message was extremely well hearsed and extremely restrained, taking no sides. Also, please remember, this is a forum for discussion, not to whine about every single petty little self conceived fault you can find with the world. We're already busy enough dealing with the real rulebreakers here, don't make it harder.
Closed + Trashed
Be thankful that you didn't get a violation. Please demonstrate restraint in future threads.