Some posts on here DC really helps, like I mean, he does way more than he should. I am posting this in trash so hopefully he doesnt shut this down too. But sometimes, I just really think that some articles shouldn't be locked so quickly. People might have language issues, ect. and they don't know how to express themselves.
Like I mean, don't get me wrong, it is a monstrous task admining these boards, but just put the posts into the Trash, and then delete the trash every week. Sometimes noobs need help too...
yeah well, there are two kinds of noobs.
1. noobs. they simply doesnt know that they are doing big shit.
2. kiddies. they know that they make big shit.
you see, the threads dc closes are from kiddies. only 20% are from original noobs.
Wow, I am smiling in real life right now. Ok DC maybe I could ask a question here. If I have problems with CS2D, but discussing them violates your rules (which I took the time to read and understand) then where should I post? Is it ok to post things in the trash?
something which is aginst the rules should not be posted. not even in the trash area because the rules are for the whole forum. including the trash section.
Guide doesn't help. All of my clan have the same problem. Maybe I just need honest input or at the very least a folder that you can post "Off-Topic Problems" or "Trash Problems" Wait is there a suggestions board where this post should go?
Guide doesn't help. All of my clan have the same problem. Maybe I just need honest input or at the very least a folder that you can post "Off-Topic Problems" or "Trash Problems" Wait is there a suggestions board where this post should go?
Well yeah, but even if the guy struggles with english , he should atleast put on commas and periods, so we can atleast understand a crap from what he posted.
On a completely unrelated note , i owe my english to this forum ,you guys remember how i spoke when i registered, don't you ?
there should be tips for Noobs to english like before writing in the english forum switch to english spell check
To do so
Right click on the text and select spell check options and
goto language option and select English (most probably US)
Guys, I know where the forum is 0.o my problem is I don't want to make DC or any of his moderators mad at me. Gah!
Ok. if you don want a mod or admin(DC) to get mad at you all you have to is not spam or flame. Don't harass any one don't be a total dick, or call names. Please use the search function before starting ANY thread or post.
Please try(i beleive you can but doing so in the past[as i have noticed] causes a whole lot of s*ht that we don't need here) not to use religious feelings in a post or thread(feel free to do so in your signature as log as it isn't offensive or racist ). As a matter of fact don't use racism or offensive things any were on the forums.
umm. That's all i can think of off the top of my head...
Server Help?! No not really... All of TXN can't host except for 1 guy. We all used the checklist and all see our IP on the server list. Just not on the Find Servers...
here's a quick and dirty solution to check and fix any problems regarding server hosting issues.
Download and Install WireShark
Open WireShark
Add the following filter
ip.addr == || udp.port == 36963
(the double pipes means or, is where resolves to, and 36963 is where you're going to run your cs2d server as well as the usgn response setting.)
Click on Capture > Interface > main interface (that would be the one with the IP filled out as your external IP AKA, one that does not start with 192.168....)
Click on Capture > Start
Then post what you see on the screen.
Also, those of us on here who usually do the helping are in many cases veteran IT/CompSci people, we tend to lose it when people either refuses to do a little googling around or if they repeated ask the same question (without googling around). And you can't really blame us for it either.
try like asking all of my clan, googling, going through the complete checklist, asking before posting anything on servers. And still admins get mad at me...-_- Hey man I work at PC Cyber but we don't do networks or internet related issues!
well, after a diagnosis of your problem, here's what I've come up with
1) While you're on a direct modem, your computer is still served on a virtual network (hence the lan ip), try to see if you can access the following IP's
in your browser, and then redo the port forwarding tutorials
2) Port 36963 and the dynamic ports are all blocked, make sure that you specify 2000 for options/net/port and 36963 for the new game/port