
pycckue pyJl9t
3 replies

Kenny has written
TeMbl gJl9 pycckux. O6cy}I{gaeM CS2D.
I don't get it. What a werid language.

EDIT: And yeah, Schinken is right. Read this: has written
Proper Language
Please use an understandable language and no dialects. "1337-Speak" is not allowed. Write in English at English forums and in German at German forums. Other languages are forbidden. Titles/texts in capital letters are undesirable.

Please use an understandable language and no dialects. "1337-Speak" is not allowed. Write in English at English forums and in German at German forums. Other languages are forbidden. Titles/texts in capital letters are undesirable.
EDIT 2: Is this about a clan? Read this as well: has written
Use this thread to show your clan (please don't open an extra thread for it)
NO threads/posts about:
clans (besides the clan database thread)


edited 3×, last 01.03.10 02:03:20 pm
(see rules)