Server dedicated PROBLEM-.--.-.-.-
Server dedicated PROBLEM-.--.-.-.-
1 reply I got dedicated server problem.
In begin when i started server, it worked, full of player almost 24/7.
When i putted in an luascript.
Its only shows in lan BUT ip-connect from friends work to :S
So i/friends cant see in internet list. But can connect ip and connect lan.
I readed in forums ALL topics about dedicated server problems. I did exactly as all answer as them, i tryed tutorials.... etc..
But still its totally fuckt :s
Only connect ip + lan works.......
Why it dont show in internet list?
DC Admin
thrashed because:
fucked up smily trash in thread title
it drives me mad that you think that you are important enough to create a thread AND send me the same crap as pm at the same time. why the hell do you force me to read it twice?! it's so freaking pointless and waste of time! O M G! read this thread. COMPLETELY! especially the very last part which says that there are no more known solutions and that you should not create new thread about it...