like when i go to T and buidl some building like triple turet and walls and when it swap me to ct and all buildings builded by me are destroyed and i feel like i need beggin again in next release can you please fix it like in first 15 second of new round teambalacne work or when is tembalacne turned on and there is like 6 t 5 ct andi wont join T that it says too mutch T and than i need join ct until somebody from T live but when you join ingame temablance dont swap you trought game this is my idea please it is possible to fix it

team balance bug?
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whats wrong with it?
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teambalance is bug | 0.00% (0) | |
its should be like it is | 100.00% (6) | |
i wont fix | 0.00% (0) | |
i dont know | 0.00% (0) |
6 votes cast
like when i go to T and buidl some building like triple turet and walls and when it swap me to ct and all buildings builded by me are destroyed and i feel like i need beggin again in next release can you please fix it like in first 15 second of new round teambalacne work or when is tembalacne turned on and there is like 6 t 5 ct andi wont join T that it says too mutch T and than i need join ct until somebody from T live but when you join ingame temablance dont swap you trought game this is my idea please it is possible to fix it