edited 1×, last 23.08.10 09:13:57 am

stupid random thread
8 replies

Because...seriously. brainistik stop talking so much bullshit. You are mentaly not able to kill a person, even tho you know he will...respawn. What the fuck? This is getting out of hands.
Oh yeah...grand theft auto in real. How would you feel if a 14 years old prick shoot you in your car, threw your body out of it and drive away?
Stop having such fantasies. Stop having daydreams. The wolrd is how the world is, you cant change it just with your imagination.
Oh and yeah...how could i forget? Tkd i second that.
edited 1×, last 22.08.10 09:17:54 pm
The forum is NOT a chatroom! Behave accordingly!
Use proper, understandable language and no dialects
Do NOT use translation tools - nobody would understand you!

Unfortunately, this is too much asked for selfish kiddies that are not aware of how their useless threads are filling the forum space.
brainistik has written
my would looks like this one:i image world like a game if you kill somebody he respawn andyo ucan kill anybody without goiung to jail yiu make many with normal job but the job would take only 10 minutes
Well you know, all this sounds kindaa... erm... let`s say inadequate... killing people without being punished, and 10 minute jobs. Damn, man, what you said is kinda scary and silly at the same time... I`m not a doc but I think you have serious mental disorder, you should try telling your stories to a psyhologist, I bet he would love listening you.
Oh yeah, btw, you forgot to say about hours that run like minutes. 24 minute day! JUST LIKE IN GTA!!! WOHOO!!!

claude has written
Well you know, all this sounds kindaa... erm... let`s say inadequate... killing people without being punished, and 10 minute jobs. Damn, man, what you said is kinda scary and silly at the same time... I`m not a doc but I think you have serious mental disorder, you should try telling your stories to a psyhologist, I bet he would love listening you.
Oh yeah, btw, you forgot to say about hours that run like minutes. 24 minute day! JUST LIKE IN GTA!!! WOHOO!!!
brainistik has written
my would looks like this one:i image world like a game if you kill somebody he respawn andyo ucan kill anybody without goiung to jail yiu make many with normal job but the job would take only 10 minutes
Well you know, all this sounds kindaa... erm... let`s say inadequate... killing people without being punished, and 10 minute jobs. Damn, man, what you said is kinda scary and silly at the same time... I`m not a doc but I think you have serious mental disorder, you should try telling your stories to a psyhologist, I bet he would love listening you.
Oh yeah, btw, you forgot to say about hours that run like minutes. 24 minute day! JUST LIKE IN GTA!!! WOHOO!!!

Do you always talk in italicized letters? Just asking, not trying to be rude.
Back on topic, I have to agree with you.