edited 6×, last 04.10.10 08:30:45 pm

Do you saw his player skins ?

he did ak dusty <333 !
I'm not gonna participate in this bullshit. Besides the only thing I would want to be aknowledged for is mapping.
PS* You're offending @Yorty for adding him to this list. He's obviously better than all of us altogether.
edited 4×, last 02.10.10 02:08:09 pm
This topic is useles

FiiD has written
For what this will get a flame??? I will set and yoou now to the list... 

Becouse everypne is voting for his own opinion and skinnmakers are trying to be best so they gona fight like for a life. Notice that there are kids under 12 and some of them cant respect other opinion so prepare for flaming. I hope there wont be any flame.
But this thread is useles. really useles. I relized it after seeing all thease comments here.
Yeah and spoartan and zero arent really... skinners they are more like idea stealers.

FiiD has written
I dont tink that here wanna be any flame...and Zero and Sparten are great skinners...they make skins from other games...thats allowed and the game from that the skin is...it be more popular when he says this is from the game Halo...more people go and play the game...maybe you think this is useles...but other no... 

I know it is alkowed but i say how stupid it is. They just 2d made the skin instead of passer who put there his own ideas and own art works and made nice skins.
this is wh i hate sutch a stupid unfair crap like this
FiiD has written
I have wrote Passer to the list...so if he become enough votes in some days...I make than for he a certificate...
ok but passer got more votes than spartan and zero together so they can be removed

Time4Parteh has written
PS* You're offending @Yorty for adding him to this list. He's obviously better than all of us altogether.