Some Snow Leopard users might notice that QuickTime X comes with a built-in screen capture feature, which lets you capture video of your Mac’s screen. Besides other small bugs, the main issue of QuickTime X’s screen capture is that it does not support internal sound recording. By no means QuickTime X is eligible for capturing screen video on Mac.
Screen Capture Mac has multifunctional features. With this ideal tool, you can capture your favorite sites easily and edit them on this tool as you like. It's available for you to partially capture any part of desktop, videos, websites or other pictures on your computer window.
Looking for a good Mac screen video capture tool? I highly recommend Screen Capture for Mac , which lets you record what you see on your desktop, at the same time as iSight or your video camera, microphone and computer's audio to create a rich and compelling video demo/turotial.

Capture video of your Mac’s screen in a few simple clicks
Step 1: Download Screen Capture for Mac and let the installation Wizard guide you through the process of installation.
Step 2: Launch Screen Capture for Mac and you will be presented with the Recording dialog below. Use default settings and choose the devices you wish to record audio, and press the record button.
Step 3: When you finish your recording, press command-shift-2 to stop recording. Screen Capture for Mac creates a new document of newly captured video, as shown below.
Step 4: Export and share the captured video easily. Press Command-E or select “Export” from the File menu to export your presentation: