Admin/mod comment
wtf..?! Looks like illegal malware system. I had it on my old computer
you probably got it from infected file
Stop making pointless threads or DC will ban you ! (Sorry for behave like moderator)
And for that screens, i don´t know point of them. WTF?. I can't read that on the picture.. edited 2×, last 20.12.10 05:34:02 pm
Todesengel has written
What you mean with WTF ?!
You just see what you see and if you not see, don´t reply. This thread is very pointless. Why did you make a voting? You f*ck all the way if you make pointless threads. lol i think he thinks that he got that "alert message"
for cheating or something, but its wrong.
Its only becouse he is using a cracked windows thats all.
Go buy it.