
how to ignore user
27 replies
and fell free to watch what he send to me
Mephiles has written
this is the link of his upload
and fell free to watch what he send to me
and fell free to watch what he send to me
haha you first started to lame me and lower rate because you think that i stole your skins i don't want to start again this talk simply let me in peace
and i gona show the moderator what nicley you sayd to me ...
You are no better than vucgy himself if you want to act like that. Rather just leave other people's fueds for their own creator to fight. But you are correct with the PM thing, so yeah. Point given.
and look at his revenge ratings
B: @vucgy: You swore at him too
C: @vucgy: they weren't revenge ratings, he thought the weapons where his so he rated it bad, but considering that
you are supposed to rate the content and not the author, I'm pretty sure he doesn't like his own weapons that much

just ignore haters, you wont get anything better from them anyway.
btw, why do you need high rates? i mean, you get high rates max 5 star and what you get? the important is in the file, not the rating, it depends on what you have in it and what you did in it.
i notice the file is about CS2D modded CC skin, i mean srly, everybody can do that. pfft
chills, you two
Mod has written
holy shit, is this even serious?
just ignore haters, you wont get anything better from them anyway.
btw, why do you need high rates? i mean, you get high rates max 5 star and what you get? the important is in the file, not the rating, it depends on what you have in it and what you did in it.
i notice the file is about CS2D modded CC skin, i mean srly, everybody can do that. pfft
chills, you two
just ignore haters, you wont get anything better from them anyway.
btw, why do you need high rates? i mean, you get high rates max 5 star and what you get? the important is in the file, not the rating, it depends on what you have in it and what you did in it.
i notice the file is about CS2D modded CC skin, i mean srly, everybody can do that. pfft
chills, you two
Yea just ignore them, they will just f**k up your upload's rating and this will also affect the global rating for your files. Some people just rate to be there, not to say something that would matter.
This guy , vucgy, told in one comment to one of my maps, that I have edited the map! Can you belive that? All my maps are original, I have NEVER edited a map and even worse to tell others that I made it.
And for Mephiles' problem:
There are 2 methods. Or vucgy stole the skins, or he just made new ones that looks exactly like Mephiles' ones so, you decide

Mod has written
The important part is the file, not the rating, it depends on what you have made.
True. I always look at downloads number. Of course it "hurts the heart" a bit when i see comment "Very Bad very very bad 1/5" but then i think that next time i will do it better

batlaizys has written
True. I always look at downloads number. Of course it "hurts the heart" a bit when i see comment "Very Bad very very bad 1/5" but then i think that next time i will do it better
Mod has written
The important part is the file, not the rating, it depends on what you have made.
True. I always look at downloads number. Of course it "hurts the heart" a bit when i see comment "Very Bad very very bad 1/5" but then i think that next time i will do it better

Well, I knew somebody would say that so here's the answer: Many people sort maps by rating to see the best of them, if you have an awesome map with 2/5 rating nobody will look at it, even if you have over 100 downloads or more, so you need rating too, even if the file is more important.
can rate em bad. I am sure if the map or file IS "awesome" then it will surely be rated good

How to ignore a user? just do it.

Revenge ratings are bad, and doesn't help anyone. It negatively affects peoples uploads. It should be absolutely forbidden, unless there is a reason for the poor rating given in the comments. I'd rather hate myself than hate on others, makes life so much better. The upload's popularity doesn't decrease just because some noobs wants to downrate. It will just be less visible to users although it will still remain accessable, and that's basicly all. The file still will be popular, don't worry.

Answer to this thread was simple.
User War... Damn kids fighting already?
to both of you @Mephiles and @vucgy92 you both are too childing to even be on this website... Why start a thread when you can simply ignore the opposit user
You can : Ignore Hi's/Her's Messages,Block your files from commenting/rating for them to not touch it. Simply ignore their posts and not start a new thread to rage on another user.

They must of NEVER read the US rules... both spamming,flaming each other like hell...but i guess this is the price DC and the moderators have to pay from KIDS like this...
What i belive is those 2 will get rule violations for their behaviour...
About Rage Voting On Files : Is this even serious? They rage vote 1 or 2* for - about this well umm... I quote *You should be banned for stupidness* Umm look who is speaking? A User who broke a rule and added a flame option? I can understand why Mephiles seems to be angry at you...your mostly annoying and not in the main way but in a more Childing and Immature way.
@Mephiles - You seemed to use RAGE votes just to make even with him? Thats even more immature... You know THIS is why we dont have a clean forum... THIS is why we have too much spam...
I really hope *I did not act as a moderator* for posting this *just trying to say*
Anyway @Mephiles and @vucgy92 are both to immature.
My suggestions to you both :
1. Learn proper english
2. Dont flame,spam please
3. Stop raging on each others

Rofl ice cream U made me Laugh so much
u just writing me ur Retard messages
and then postin in forum im the kid one ya?
Dev1las rate 1-2 stars and write shitty posts.
For example:
im rating 1 if i dun like 2-4 normal 5 i like it