One more thing about DC. Please read this. How does he sign to every 30 minutes? (actually there are such things like job, getting to your job, eating, going out with someone, eating ice-cream outside, going to the cinema etc etc etc). DC is such a .. noob nerd? I mean, why does he spend his whole life on this fucked website? DC is like Sauron's eye. Watching his own shit, 24/7.
An average day of DC, as we can imagine it.
6:00 - Waking up in the morning, starting the computer.
6:10 - Drinking coffe.
From 6:30 to 21:50 -
22:00 - Sleeping.
So.. games. Unreal software made some games.
Carnage Contest - Worms ripoff? Hell no.
Stranded - Average fail.
Minigolf Madness - Epic fail.
CS2D - It started as a good game. Then lost the good players, got filled with happy town shit and ub3rbu1ld3r servers plus 7 y.o. kids. CS2D in the old times would deserve a weak, weak 5/10. This deserves a 2/10.
My only problem is that: (I hate people, I hate the humanity because it kinda fails, BUT) I want to help even the biggest noobs. So DC, I'd prefer to sell this webpage and all of those shit and get a life, also, a JOB.
+Feel free to ban me, IDC Admin/mod comment
a moderator removed the original message. I put it back online because I can live with that (because I know the truth) /DC (+also: title fixed) [large annoying spam image removed. 6 hours tempban for you] Thanks for showing your maturity.
Refresh has written
Thanks for showing your maturity.
This post shows your own.
And you want to speak about maturity? LOL. You're nothing more than a 13/14 year old kid who minds to get into other person's business. I wonder why you didn't stop visiting this website then. Stop whining about older people you don't even know that would probably beat you up. I don't know DC personally, but I also don't comment about his life.
Just stfu, nobody likes you. Actually DC isn't on the site that much, sometimes he isn't here for days, that's why we have moderators. DC Admin
*sigh* you don't know me Refresh.
How does he sign to every 30 minutes?
I don't do that and I can't do that on a normal day because I have other things to do.
(actually there are such things like job, getting to your job, eating, going out with someone, eating ice-cream outside, going to the cinema etc etc etc)
I'm a student. Sick fact for you: I have some days off as well. today was such a day. And I'm also doing that other stuff. I wasn't at home most of the weekend and in that time I was actually outside... crazy shit.
DC is such a .. noob nerd?
noob? no, that's you. otherwise you wouldn't waste your time with creating pathetic threads like this one.
nerd? I develop games and I study computer science. any problems?
I mean, why does he spend his whole life on this fucked website?
sorry! didn't know that it isn't allow to care about stuff which is important to me. I'll stop it asap.
and now the random game bashing part:
Carnage Contest - Worms ripoff? Hell no.
clever boy. it's a worms ripoff but:
Stranded - Average fail.
I actually won an Alienware PC with that game (Stranded II). It was on many magazines and CDs and got pretty good ratings in nearly all reviews. I wouldn't call that a fail.
possible that you don't like it but what you are doing here is just pointless flaming&trolling.
Minigolf Madness - Epic fail.
my goal was to create a multiplayer minigolf game. that's what I achieved. epic win.
CS2D - It started as a good game. Then lost the good players, got filled with happy town shit and ub3rbu1ld3r servers plus 7 y.o. kids. CS2D in the old times would deserve a weak, weak 5/10. This deserves a 2/10.
My only problem is that: (I hate people, I hate the humanity because it kinda fails, BUT) I want to help even the biggest noobs.
I'm not responsible for the fact that this game is so popular that even some idiots play it. and you should learn to accept changes and improvements.
So DC, I'd prefer to sell this webpage and all of those shit
there is no reason for that. It would be very stupid actually but you obviously don't understand the background of that.
and get a life, also, a JOB.
got both already. thanks.
I'll not ban you. being pathetic is not a reason for a ban.