Vote for the weapon that you like the most ! Admin/mod comment
title changed. it's "effective" not "evective"
The weapons are extremely unbalanced in CS2D. The Mac10 is by far the best because it delivers large damage, fire rather accurately, extremely quickly, so its just a matter of spray and own the guy. The AK47 also has a huge advantage over many other weapons, including the less effective M4A1. The AK deals more damage than the M4 and fires faster or about the same rate, making a duel between the two weapons an almost definite AK win because it does more damage faster. Some weapons such as the AWP are sometimes unevenly powerful, but with a long time between shots, it is quite fair. The M3 fires rather quickly for the amount of damage it does per shot, making it fairly useful and somewhat unbalanced. SMG's such as the MP5 and UMP45 do not deliver very much damage in comparison to the Mac10 or P90. I could go on much more on the advantages and disadvantages of each weapon, but I hope this will provide a sufficient idea of what the weapons are like and my opinion of them. The weapon balancing sucks even more than in the real counter-strike.
I personally consider the AK-47 the best allrounder weapon. If the money is not sufficient, P-90 or Mac-10 should be the weapon of choice, depending on the expectable combat range (-> spray factor). EwokChieftain has written
The weapon balancing sucks even more than in the real counter-strike.
I personally consider the AK-47 the best allrounder weapon. If the money is not sufficient, P-90 or Mac-10 should be the weapon of choice, depending on the expectable combat range (-> spray factor).
yep I'd say that it would be the Ak-47, jsut because If I get it in my hands I go on a spree killing every1 and everything that get in my way (even hostages xD) and its got sum good range and its deadly and leathel, in my opinion the better of the all-around catagory, even if I never get to actually USE it....but If ure low on $...the P-90 is my choice, its a good cheap weaopn
Iq Unlimited has written
I'd say that it would be the Ak-47, jsut because If I get it in my hands I go on a spree killing every1 and everything that get in my way (even hostages xD) and its got sum good range and its deadly and leathel, in my opinion the better of the all-around catagory, even if I never get to actually USE it....but If ure low on $...the P-90 is my choice, its a good cheap weaopn

me to cuz im not so good but good enought to kick dome buts!!! of cheaters
Cs2D = Deagle + Mac10
Who get these weapons is invencible...
Balance the weapons in new cs2d plz...
Nobody buy others weapons!
Only Deagle + Mac10...bah...
M249 is worst than
Terrorists = invencible team
If you wanna lose join CT...
Dont forget to change the snipers zoom...
The zoom now is terrible lag and low fps...
When the player is zoomed, he teleports a lot...
And FPS decrease See the only reason that the mac 10 is high because only
4 people voted for it
and most people dont kno
about the polls, so people need to find out to vote
i found out about the poll by a freind K*****-o***
( i dont think he wants me to tell his cs2d name and screenname ) but still it dosent matter for u guys
people should kno this wrong Poll
O and my signature <//
//> Admin/mod comment
If you want to have a signature or something like that, register. But don't make multiple posts as guest for that. /HW UNIT-50 LEADA has written
You are wrong and they are right, m4a1 does nothing against mac10 and ak-47. The best weapon on CT is tmp (it fires realy fast, but it's still not as good as mac10 or the ak-47), i mean when ct with m4a1 dies the terrorist with mac10 still has about 50-60 hp left. When you have skills for the M4A1 you can even come against the mac because the magazine of the mac runs faster out and you have to reload more often than by the M4A1.I use the M4 mostly in the game and i was able to kill with that enemys with macs and AKs because you can hide behind the wall while they are shooting into the air.
To make the mac useful you have to hit the enemy with all bullets in the magazine.And when one shot doesnt hits the enemy, than your chance to win the duel is much lesser. ANYONE can hide behind the wall, and with mac10 you need much less then the whole magazine to kill a person.
PS. What hapens if you have skills for the mac10 ?
Skills for the mac 10 only means you can aim with that and make much more hits.To be tricky is something else.As example,when you shoot at the enemy who has an mac 10 you can easily run away and cover yourself behind the wall.The result is that he just shoots into the air.After some shots you can come out and attack him because if he have skills for the mac 10,he probably dont have any bullets for the magazine anymore and he have to reload or to change to the pistol.Then he is screwed up.
What i just mean is that isnt enough to have skills for the weapons,it means that you have to know you what you can bring out of the maps with tricking the enemy out and you can always be with a team mate so the mac 10 enemy is really screwed up then.You can also make a big change of who is winning when you know how. UNIT-50 LEADA has written
i found out about the poll by a freind K*****-o***
( i dont think he wants me to tell his cs2d name and screenname ) but still it dosent matter for u guys
lol, its obvious that you mean "Kiffer-opa" but I don't know why you think he'll care if you reference his name. LOL. IT TAKES THE SAME TIME TO RELOAD THE MAC10 AS THE M4A1, when your enemy runs out of ammo with mac10, he heads back and has plenty of time to reload, and by the time you get to him your enemy's magazine is full of ammo and he can start shooting again.
PS.mac10 owns m4a1, i see it everytime i play cs2d. cs2d has verry inbalanced weapons (mac10 is a terrinble weapon on cs 1.6)

EDIT:what if there is no wall to hide behind ? The weapons are inbalanced so the mac "pwns" in game.Still you are able to kill with M4 some maccers if youre skilled enough.
And your question how it looks when theres no wall to cover:
Just shoot then to the enemy.If youre lucky he runs out of bullets before he kills you.the macs have smaller magazines so they reaload ealier than the M4.Reason is the firerate.So strong arent these macs otherwise most of the players or everybody would just buy the mac.
Somebody said that CT are worser than T. I just can say that isnt true.It`s only because of the players and how they play and skilled are.
And before i forget:M4 and macs might have the same reload time but what im talking about is how fast they shoot and how big the magazines of them are.
hey for just in case wich i doubt i havent talked to him yet but i dont think mac 10 is good i think it suck - SUCKS BAD
<//>:(//> o and my name will be Ameer925 because im regestering so remember Ameer925
o and my new sig.