
fav maps?
28 replies
what is your favourite map on cs2d?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
de_dust, dust_1, dust_2 | 13.33% (4) | |
cs_druglab | 10.00% (3) | |
cs_stranded | 0.00% (0) | |
fy_iceworld | 0.00% (0) | |
fy_noskill | 3.33% (1) | |
dm_skill | 0.00% (0) | |
as_plane | 3.33% (1) | |
as_castle | 0.00% (0) | |
dm_laser | 23.33% (7) | |
de_cs2d | 6.67% (2) | |
de_bridge | 0.00% (0) | |
cs_office | 0.00% (0) | |
de_train | 3.33% (1) | |
de_defence | 0.00% (0) | |
dm_saulen | 0.00% (0) | |
fy_doom | 3.33% (1) | |
de_embrador | 0.00% (0) | |
cs_assault | 6.67% (2) | |
dm_temple | 0.00% (0) | |
other (including custom maps and maps i missed) | 26.67% (8) |
30 votes cast
de_dust, de_aztec, de_embrador, de_cs2d, de_bridge, cs_assault, cs_druglab, cs_office, fy_iceworld, dm_aim, sometimes dm_laser and dm_knife and some cutsom maps
i am sure i forget a few maps i like to play

EwokChieftain has written
Justin's stuff, of course.
The original maps are really boring in comparison. I have not played all of them yet, but de_bankjob is my favourite at the moment.


My favorite maps I would say are cs_druglab_JW, de_prodigy_JW, de_Congo_JW, and de_bankjob2!
(of course, they're all my maps!)
Some maps NOT made by me that I particularily like are: de_bananarama and cs_winterlab (Kiffer-opa), all of PJ's maps (pj_de_dust1/2, pj_de_fastline, pj_cs_office, etc.), cs_italybetter and cs_assualtbetter (URBANRANG3R), de_otOs_aztec_2d (ot0-mot0), and de_piranesi (Neelts).
There are several more that I cannot think of at the moment.
I think all the maps which want to immitate the 3D ones are shit because they aren't good -.-
So whats better on cs_druglab ?

For dust i can go around and hit the Terrorists at the back.
For stranded i can kill them with out the enemy buying equipment.
For druglab...lets just say i can hide on something and never know its me.....

coolrun has written
i'd either pick either de_dust, cs_druglab, or cs_stranded. i just feel confident in these maps XD. why?
For dust i can go around and hit the Terrorists at the back.
For stranded i can kill them with out the enemy buying equipment.
For druglab...lets just say i can hide on something and never know its me.....
For dust i can go around and hit the Terrorists at the back.
For stranded i can kill them with out the enemy buying equipment.
For druglab...lets just say i can hide on something and never know its me.....

You never play against a real cs2d gamer like my

coolrun has written
what do u mean by that lol? im good too XD. have u seen me play? 

i never saw you play but il be happy if we all (lcs2d) clan play agains other clan and rule it

but il be glad if we rule .:dbn:. clan they are good but not enougth to rule us

_DaVi_ has written
fy_druglab teh best 

rigth on

edited 2×, last 06.11.06 08:05:20 pm
<font color="#293F03"><b>KimKat [new member]</font></b>

Admin/mod comment
you have to use bb-tags instead auf html. www.unrealsoftware.de/tags.phpok heres 2 cheat-maps
goto laser spots and lower breakable level to 10
save as csde_airport_cheat_1
easy playing!
as_plane gfx hack(its not really a hack)
Goto Gfx/Tiles/plane
edit blank(pink)tiles and black ones with symbols(make sure ther different!)ingame,on the bottom of the plane,follow the path that has lees symbols
1 is fatal(theres more of it)
the other is ok(a small path of it)
goto Gfx/Tiles/Forest1
edit blank tiles...........
use knife on the OK tiles and itl lead to laser!
so u can make any map different