
help with the teleporters....
13 replies

But if you want to make the bots work with them,
which is the tricky thing about teleporters,
you must in fact create a pair of some sort.
I quote myself (from an old thread):
EwokChieftain has written
Waypoints through a teleporter only work in the following manner in a straight line:
Wp A <-- Tp 2's target -- Tp1 -- Tp2 -- Tp1's target --> Wp B
And note it must be a pair of teleporters, because you cannot declare connection lines as "one way roads".
Wp A <-- Tp 2's target -- Tp1 -- Tp2 -- Tp1's target --> Wp B
And note it must be a pair of teleporters, because you cannot declare connection lines as "one way roads".

the exactly problem is what should i type in Y to go to ct base for example?
somebody will tell my soon?
edited 2×, last 07.10.06 07:03:21 pm
skiper has written
i get it with the waypoints but i still can get it in the teleports in the what should i write in the Y ct base or somethink please help my or what should i write in the X words or numbers help my.... im on my way to create the perfect map
the exactly problem is what should i type in Y to go to ct base for example?
somebody will tell my soon?

the exactly problem is what should i type in Y to go to ct base for example?
somebody will tell my soon?
It's like in math...
Y is lower and higher
X is right and left...
In the editor it shows you the the square's place !
exmple:x-23 y-10

i opened the map as_snow and post and env_decal but i copy this what you write on the properties of the env_decal and it still do not work i do the same as it is do in the map as_snow i like this light and i want to put it in my maps so please help me and tell why do not it works? and the same is with the entity env_tilefx was i think i would liuke to make my water move and i type this what is write on the map dm_laser on the tilefx i copy everythink then post it in my entyty and my water do not move ....
edited 2×, last 13.10.06 03:03:18 pm

DC has written
a teleporter does not teleport to another teleporter (this would lead to an infinitive loop because the player would be teleported from one teleporter to the other one and back all the time). The player is teleported to the coordinates you enter in the properties of the entity. You can find the coordinates you want to use by pointing at them with your mouse. they are displayed on the right side of the pointer:
no i try that with my maps when u step off and step on itl work
while ur standing on its tile u cant teleport if u teleported onto it