
Clan Stuff
24 replies

Re: Clan Stuff
Guestmy reason is that the purpose of all clans is clan wars (my point of view)
so we jsut make up clans cuz our names look cool? there should be conflicts between clans. and if we can get the responsible guys for their clans together in one web we should communicate better, then there should be more clan wars. tell me ur reason dont just say "apsolutely not man everyclan have to make a web but not a web for all clans"
i think.. how many clans are there on the world..

i think its really not good to take them all to one webpage...

hey and i think.. CS2D comunity Brasil is not the bigest on earth

i think the EU comunity is much bigger.. and you can take Europe for one country...
couse thats the plan of the Eu

The Brazil Community is really big

Look, the official Forum has around 1200 Users (including Stranded-Freaks like me), and I don't speak Portuguese, but what "Temos 825 Usuários registrados" means, I can translate though!
Marcio are you Admin there? Nice work!
And every clan must have its one page! (@Germans: translate! What does Aushängeschild mean in English? 'Cause that's the Clanpage!) And a nice memberlounge on the page is a good thing too

A CS2D "Top 100" collecting page already exists, I just forgot the URL
Edit: I found it! (GERMAN, but not many words)
Marcio has written
1 website for all clans...I think is not a good idea...
thats discusting man.... the clkans cant have 1 website for all they will be not friendly cuz the 1 clan will want to add one kind of features in the site and the 2 clan wont be friendly cuz they will want to add other kind of features and the 1 clan will not agree thats usually happents
Re: Clan Stuff

If you only want a board for your clan, you can look for a Forum-Hoster, or get Webspace and install a

With an hoster, your board is ready in a few minutes, you just have to create subforums.
Re: Clan Stuff
Re: Clan Stuff
Guest Guest has written
yeah! this is [LCS2D] xHell Elfx. Skiper what's ur name on cs2d? im open on thursday 10-12-06 from 4:00~6:00 PM. I'll host a server and whoever comes in will versus [LCS2D] !!!! well i hope this will work
American Eastern time (Delaware). well....figure it out urself

or somethink cuz io dont know what time it is this (GMT 10+ ) and i dont even know how much time there is beside bulgaria and africa