
run server all the time
2 replies

You need to have cs2d open to have the server running, I can see why you would think it should run forever. You need to understand that cs2d is a p2p game and does not have any master server interactions in ways that affect the servers.
You have 3 options, either leave your computer on 24/7, rent a vps (details below), or buy a cs2d server (also below).
A vps or dedicated server will cost money, there is no such thing as a free vps (maybe only trials or sucky ones). You just need to find vps sellers.
Example: http://interserver.com
Or you could just rent a server, they usually have a management panel that makes it easier to host. I recommend this one because it will not require you to setup anything--though it might be a bit costly.
Example: http://cs2d.nl