Map Editor.
Map Editor.
7 repliesT2K User
hi im new i just started playing but i am really into the map making thing and i downloaded your map editor and it does not launch ? is there anyway i can fix this plz help if you can
DC Admin
you have to put it into your counter-strike 2d directory. the same place where the CounterStrike2D.exe is. mrc User
DC, the next release of the map editor will be the beta? i hear beta many times but what does beta mean somethink like beta version or somethink? Beta: A beta version or beta release usually represents the first version of a computer program that implements all features in the initial software requirements specification. It is likely to be unstable but useful for internal demonstrations and previews to select customers, but not yet ready for release. Some developers refer to this stage as a preview, as a technical preview (TP) or as an early access.
(from Wikipedia) thx justin and in the old map editor somethink wrongs i can make the entity tilefx only on one kind of tile i dont know somethink wrong whatever it is its not good i post the tilefx and i know what to tupe on the options but its still do not work i post atleast 6 antytys and it still dont work wtf is going on? DC Admin
you are doing something wrong. works over here. I just tested it. me to tested it after i did ask but it works only one time il try another way