when i make a map with the old editor it makes me automatic waypoints wich are very very idiotic becouse i made a deadly floor on my map and all the bots killed theyr selfs and i click clear bots on the map and it still says waypoints avaible and it lounch it's waypoints but i want to create my own and i can corrct it becouse my waypoints are not like the bots get in the deadly place or stay in the base in right and left can somebody tell my why does this happent?
and im talking for the ols editor!!! Admin/mod comment
no needless repetition of letters and no smileys in form titles please. changed. mrc User
Maps with deadly floor is incompatible with bots...
They always die... fuck... my map was with deadly floor
I have a same problem. Bots just go and march into the deadely floor! Even if there are no waypoints leading there. (thats why in my de_2forts map i put that stack of crates on the west part of the ct's fort. it stops the bots from marching into deadly water). edited 1×, last 28.10.06 09:08:04 am
they just killded theyselfs Bots don't always follow the waypoints exactly. Sometimes they will venture out into unmarked territory, even if you don't make waypoints there. Usually, this is a good thing because it means you don't have to put waypoints everywhere, just along the major, basic paths, so bots are able to also go other places. The downside is, bots don't recognize deadly tiles, and will sometimes stray off the waypoint paths and kill themselves.
Bots are just stupid; deal with it. lol. but DC says:Offline Gaming with and versus intelligent Bots Lys User
Yes, they're very intelligent, they get off the path so they have a own brain
[2d has written
Lys"]Yes, they're very intelligent, they get off the path so they have a own brain

nope they havent brain they have bugs in they'r heads
DC Admin
well... I think they are still more intelligent than some guys in this forum
justin explained the problem. I'm looking forward to make the bots better in the next cs2d.