is giving free servers?
if it's giving how i get one?
please answer Admin/mod comment
Moved. Please put your Threads to the correct category. /ohaz To me, it doesn't look like it. Talk to them,claim that you're from GER or UK
Their english is bullshit *_* has written is back, Control Panel is now New! with more Settings, and more Easy Uploads for you!
--Not all Server from Users is back--
Is You server not online? Send a Message to us!
But they seem to be fit ones has written
The "Electro" is not HERE More Admin!
he is a Hacker from CS2D!
He make Aimbots & Speedhacks, and ELECTRO IS NOT MORE ADMIN!
from what i know they used to free host but their site got hacked.
now they came back try to contact them,if they were smart use a proxy to trick them and show ur self from UK
Ahmad has written
use a proxy to trick them and show ur self from UK

That's why I stopped giving out free servers. You guys just love to abuse.
oxytamine has written
Ahmad has written
use a proxy to trick them and show ur self from UK

That's why I stopped giving out free servers. You guys just love to abuse.
Welcome to internet. That's what most users do.
Looks like they got hacked by someone, and I still didn't see a server hosted by them, I guess they're lying.
oxytamine has written
Ahmad has written
use a proxy to trick them and show ur self from UK

That's why I stopped giving out free servers. You guys just love to abuse.
Honestly, i never have done this.
oxytamine has written
Ahmad has written
use a proxy to trick them and show ur self from UK

That's why I stopped giving out free servers. You guys just love to abuse.
I believe you can use
to determine if they are using a proxy or not, this not a fool-proof method due to the fact that any computer can act as a proxy server.
@topic: just rent is you really want a good server
or host on your own network