aarrgghh, after using a new modem, everything different about hosting. now i can't hosting. i was read all on the FAQ but nothing helps and i see my gateway on my modem status, open it and say "Cannot connected, maybe this site is not on, blabla" so how to host again with my smart modem? i see my friend,
Ridho can host server and his server on Internet tab and he's using modem(different modem, he is using telkomsel, and me using smartfren). and me, i can't see my server on any tab(Internet,LAN,Favorite,Recently Joined) it make me confused, but i can connect to my server self with a Deafult Gateway IP. i run cmd and type "ipconfig" and says my Gateway IP is! im confused again. my modem says it not use router, but it use router. before i use sart, everything works fine(my server on Internet tab). but after some incident, i buy a new modem. and everything different. i just asking, how to fowarding a port? so i can host again just like in a year 2011
EDIT: my modem is using dynamic IP edited 1×, last 14.03.12 12:10:09 pm